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Campbell Road Playing Fields

These playing fields provide a link to Swinton Walkway.

Address: Campbell Road, Swinton, M27 5GS
Classification: Local Park
Opening times: 24 hour pedestrian access

Friends group: No 

Play area update

We've had a few queries about what's happened to the play area on Campbell Road playing fields.

The play area was removed for health and safety reasons as a number of pieces of equipment had been damaged beyond reasonable repair. In addition some of the wooden support timbers were showing signs of decay and metal work suffering from corrosion failed the safety inspection.   

The council does not have the budget to replace the equipment in the short term however the development of the former Swinton Sewage work site will include the creation of new play facilities and additional recreational facilities on council land. As soon as the preliminary investigations are complete and the funding is allocated we will begin the consultation with local residents and stakeholders on the design of the new and improved play and recreation facilities for the area.

If you would like to organise an event or activity in this park please view our advice page.

Map of park location

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