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Heritage champion

What is a heritage champion?

A heritage champion is a member of the council who uses the historic environment as an asset to help achieve strategic goals and bring a better quality of life to the community.

Salford's heritage champion is councillor Hannah Robinson-Smith.

The roles and responsibilities of a heritage champion include:

  • making the council aware of important historic environment issues and opportunities relating to Salford
  • promoting the value of the historic environment as a catalyst for regeneration and neighbourhood renewal, and the potential it has for attracting economic investment and funding in certain areas
  • raising the profile of the historic environment in planning documents by working with planning officers to ensure key issues and opportunities are identified and addressed
  • working with key organisations within the council, and outside the council, such as Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Unit, to maximise the benefits the historic environment can have on people

For more information on heritage champions please visit Historic England.

A chance to have your say on Salford's historic environment

To carry out these roles effectively, Salford's heritage champions need to be made aware of opportunities for how the historic built environment can help create a better Salford for its communities. If you have any ideas on how better use can be made of Salford's historic environment please contact the council's heritage champions using the details below.

Who to contact

Spatial Planning
Salford City Council
Civic Centre
Chorley Road
M27 5BY
Map to this location
0161 793 3782
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