Buildings using stone

Restored Brotherton Memorial, Weaste Cemetery

In Salford, stone was generally reserved for high order buildings, such as places of worship, civic structures, monuments and commercial buildings.

Whilst a diverse pallet of stone was used, the most common stone used on buildings in Salford was sandstone.

Repairing and cleaning stone

The cementing agents of sandstone (the materials that hold sandstone together) are weak, and as a result it erodes very easily. Historic Scotland has published guidance on the erosion of sandstone and repairing and replacing damaged stones, which are available to download at the bottom of the page.

Stonework that is over a century old will be prone to dirt and it is common for owners to want to clean it. There is a general presumption against cleaning in most cases, however if a particular case is justified then there are three cleaning systems ('jos', 'doff' and 'torc') that the city council will consider.

Further information can be found on these on the council's cleaning historic buildings and structures page. Historic Scotland has published guidance on cleaning sandstone which is available to download at the bottom of the page.

Traditional stone buildings constructed using lime based products must be repaired using lime rather than cement based products. Inappropriate use of cement can lead to rising damp and crumbling surfaces. Further information on the use of lime in buildings can be found on the council's lime page.

Who to contact

Spatial Planning
Salford City Council
Civic Centre
Chorley Road
M27 5BY
Map to this location
0161 793 3782

Traditional materials and construction methods

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