The Greater Manchester joint minerals development plan document (the 'minerals plan') formally became part of Salford's development plan on 26 April 2013.
The minerals plan was prepared jointly between the ten Greater Manchester authorities, and it identifies how Greater Manchester will deliver the spatial vision for minerals development to 2027.
The minerals plan covers land-use planning matters in relation to minerals development across the ten Greater Manchester districts and includes detailed criteria based policies, as well as policies covering areas of search and mineral safeguarding areas. The document includes a set of development control polices which will assist in the consideration of minerals planning applications, as well as a set of plans identifying areas of search for minerals and mineral safeguarding areas for each of the ten districts.
The minerals plan text together with its associated adoption statement, the sustainability appraisal strategic environmental assessment and its associated adoption statement, and the inspector's report can be downloaded below. The key maps of most relevance to Salford can also be downloaded below.
The policies map reflects the boundaries of the designations within the minerals plan in Salford and can be downloaded below. These designations can also be viewed on the interactive policies map, alongside relevant layers from the Greater Manchester joint waste development plan document and the Salford Local Plan: Development Management Policies and Designations. The interactive policies map will be updated in due course to include details relating to Places for Everyone.
If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.
This page was last updated on 20 March 2024