House extensions supplementary planning document

The council recognises that the occupiers of dwellings may wish to modify or extend their homes to provide accommodation that suits their needs.

In seeking to meet these needs the council also has to consider the impact of such works on immediate neighbours and the local environment. To ensure consistency and fairness the council has set out standards in the supplementary planning document (SPD) to ensure that the impact on neighbouring residents is limited and acceptable, that the design and appearance of extensions will make a positive contribution to the local environment, and that the needs of homeowners are met.

The provisions of this SPD will be implemented primarily through the development management process and the determination of planning applications.

The house extensions supplementary planning document was adopted by the council on 19 July 2006 and is available to download from this page.

In applying this SPD the following should be noted:

  • Following the adoption of the Salford Local Plan: Development Management Policies and Designations (SLP:DMP) in January 2023, a review was undertaken to determine whether the existing SPDs and other local planning policy documents could continue to be used to assist in the implementation of the new plan. The review concluded that the majority of the house extensions SPD can continue to be applied, with the exception of some parts of policies HE3 and HE4 which have been superseded by the SLP:DMP. The elements of the SPD which no longer apply are set out in an explanatory note. This note should be read alongside the SPD and can be downloaded below.
  • National regulations have changed relating to when planning permission is required for householder development. Section 4 of the SPD has therefore been superseded. For current guidance on when planning permission is required please refer to the householders guide via the Planning Portal.
  • The council has produced a personal circumstances guidance note which can be downloaded below. This provides additional guidance for applicants and their agents as to those factors that are considered to constitute a personal circumstance in an application for a house extension which would otherwise fail to comply with the development plan. It also sets out what information and evidence is required as part of a planning application in order for weight to be afforded to those circumstances in the determination of a planning application. The preparation of the guidance note was informed by a period of consultation on the proposed approach.

If you would like to purchase a printed copy of the SPD, please contact us on 0161 793 3782 or email A charge will be made to reflect the cost of printing and postage.

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This page was last updated on 23 January 2024

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