The Pendleton planning guidance was prepared as the successor document to the Pendleton area action plan. It was adopted by Salford City Council on 11 March 2009.
In preparing the planning guidance, regard was had to the community involvement that informed the preparation of the area action plan together with the comments received as part of the consultation on the draft planning guidance document between September and October 2008.
The aim of the Pendleton planning guidance is to provide an overall framework for the development and regeneration of the Pendleton and Langworthy areas, and to support and guide investment in council housing within the Pendleton estate, as part of the private finance initiative (PFI) process.
Following the adoption of the Salford Local Plan: Development Management Policies and Designations (SLP:DMP) in January 2023, a review was undertaken to determine whether the existing SPDs and other local planning policy documents could continue to be used to assist in the implementation of the new plan. The review concluded that the majority of the Pendleton planning guidance can continue to be applied, with the exception of some parts of policies 9, 10, 12 and 13 which have been superseded by the SLP:DMP. The elements of the adopted Pendleton planning guidance which no longer apply are set out in an explanatory note. This note should be read alongside the Pendleton planning guidance and can be downloaded below.
If you would like to purchase a printed copy of the planning guidance please contact us on 0161 793 3782 or email A charge will be made to reflect the cost of printing and postage.
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This page was last updated on 23 January 2024