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Salford Information Advice and Support Services (SIASS)

How can we help you?

We offer information, advice and support to children, young people and parents about special educational needs and disability. This includes matters relating to health and social care. We have a role in ensuring your views are heard, understood and respected.

We're a free, dedicated, confidential and impartial service offering a single point of regular and consistent contact. We can explain how special educational needs are identified and assessed and who you should talk to. We can also tell you what your rights and responsibilities are.

Either by phone, email or in person, we can give you:

Information on:

  • the law on special educational needs and disability (SEND)
  • education, health and care plans
  • personalisation and personal budgets
  • the Local Offer
  • managing mediation, appeals to the First-Tier Tribunal (SEN and Disability), suspensions and complaints

Advice about:

  • special educational needs support in mainstream schools and post-16 institutions
  • special schools and other special educational needs education
  • gathering, understanding and interpreting information and applying it to your own situation
  • where to go for additional support locally or nationally, including voluntary services
  • what to do when things go wrong

Support with:

  • arranging or attending meetings with school, college, the local authority, health/social services or other agencies
  • writing letters and reports
  • annual reviews of statements and education, health and care plans
  • the council's processes for resolving disagreements and its complaints procedures


If parents need our support, we are there to offer our services. 

The Children and Families Act 2014 requires local authorities to also provide children with information, advice and support relating to their special educational needs or disability. Many children will access this through their parents. However, some children and young people (up to 25 years of age) may want to access advice and support separately from their parents.

Children and young people

Children and young people are entitled to the same quality and level of information as parents. We can offer you impartial information, advice and support in confidence.

The Salford Information Advice and Support Services team is an independent supporter who can help with all aspects of an education, health care plan. including the transition of your child's statement of SEN to an EHCP.

Contact the team

Call 0161 778 0343/0349 or email

If you wish to make a referral to SIASS, either for yourself or for someone you know, please complete the SIASS referral form.

This page was last updated on 4 August 2022

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