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Supporting evidence for a primary place

A number of schools require extra information in order to process an application for a place at that school. These are normally voluntary aided schools and include Roman Catholic schools and some Church of England schools.

The following information is required by all Voluntary Aided Schools and we advise that you check the individual school admission policies for details. You will be contacted either by the school directly or the School Admissions Team for this information.

  • Copy of baptism certificate
  • Supplementary form - copies of these supplementary forms are available in the downloadable documents section

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. If the school you are applying for is not listed below, please check with the school concerned that they do not require you to complete a supplementary form. Forms are also available for collection direct from these schools. Parents applying for a place at one of these schools should complete both the supplementary form and the common application form (online application form). Failure to complete both forms could affect your chances of getting a place at a school of your preference.

Please note that some schools require this information before the closing date for applications: 31 October for secondary and 15 January for nursery and reception. Please check with the school that you are applying for as to when they require the supplementary information.

Information should be sent to:

  • Baptism certificates and supplementary forms - you will be contacted either by the school directly or the School Admissions Team for this information.
  • Common application form - please submit an application to the local authority that you reside in.

If you are applying for a place at a voluntary aided school in another local authority, please check directly with that school or local authority whether any supplementary information is required.

This page was last updated on 13 February 2025

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