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Types of primary school

Salford LA has six different types of nursery and primary school provision.

There are community primary schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools (many of which have nursery classes), academies, special schools (for pupils with special educational needs) and early years centres.

  • Community schools are set up and maintained by the LA.
  • Voluntary aided schools are maintained by the LA but controlled by the governors of the school. The governors employ the staff and decide which pupils they will admit and they also have greater financial responsibility. Voluntary aided schools include all Roman Catholic schools and Jewish maintained schools and some Church of England (CE) primary schools.
  • Voluntary controlled schools the school site is owned by trustees but the school is maintained and controlled by the LA. In Salford, voluntary controlled schools are mostly CE primary schools.
  • Academies are funded by central government. There are six primary aged academies in Salford.
  • Special schools catering for children with special educational needs.
  • Early years centres are funded through the Children's Services directorate.

Children are admitted to the centres on the basis of 'need' defined by the Children Act 1989.

Nursery education in Salford is also available through a range of private, independent and voluntary providers. For further details see our childcare pages.

For a full list of schools in the city of Salford you can use our schools finder.

This page was last updated on 1 September 2018

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