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Decision notices

Adult Social Services

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Decision notice Dated Status
IMCA Service June 2012( Councillor Connor) (16547) 29 June 2012 Authorised
Princess Park (15828) 15 March 2012 Authorised
Mental Health Supported Accommodation (15827) 15 March 2012 Authorised
Award of 5 Contracts for Social Care Services. (15567) 7 February 2012 Authorised
Memory Services Project (15450) 24 January 2012 Authorised
Healthwatch ROD (15316) 13 December 2011 Authorised
ROD self care team (14694) 24 August 2011 Authorised
Decision Notice - Review and Reconfiguration of Supported Accommodation (Mental Health) (14627) 9 August 2011 Authorised
Integrated Care Teams (Cabinet) (7550) 13 February 2007 Authorised
Role of the Director of Adult Social Services (Cabinet) (6806) 27 September 2006 Authorised
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