In January 2018, a team from the Local Government Association (LGA) visited Salford City Council to conduct a peer challenge about how we run the organisation.
The peer challenge also explored how well we are working to link local people with the opportunities that all the economic growth in our city is bringing. This includes skills, jobs, housing, education and health for all residents in the city.
The LGA chose a team of senior council officers and councillors from across the country who spent four days in Salford talking to staff, our partners and councillors.
At the end of the visit, the LGA team commented that:
“This is Salford’s time – A huge amount is happening here, focused on making a fundamental difference to the people and place.”
The team were enormously impressed by the tremendous commitment and passion from staff and how well we work with our partners to find a way forward with our ambitious plans for growth in the city.
The team have produced a feedback report which identifies our many strengths and also makes some suggestions for actions that would help us to improve the way we work in the future. A copy of the report is available below.
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