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How the council works

City Mayor's Cabinet

The City Mayor's Cabinet consists of the City Mayor, his two Deputies, and seven Lead Members. Each member of the Mayoral Team takes an individual portfolio of responsibility.

Who decides?

Decisions can be made by the City Mayor, Deputy City Mayors, Lead Members, the City Mayor's Cabinet, full council and Chief Officers. All decisions are recorded and decision notices are published.

Checking the detail

Other councillors perform a scrutiny role as members at select committees, monitoring the way the council works and examining decisions to check they meet the needs of residents. The membership of these committees reflects the overall political composition of the whole council.

Setting standards

The standards committee acts as a watchdog for the people of Salford, ensuring that councillors carry out their duties to the highest standards. The group includes councillors and members of the public and it oversees and strengthens high standards of conduct in all city council business.

Planning ahead

A list of key decisions that need to be made by the Mayoral Team in the coming four months are published on a regular basis. The forward plan of key decisions is available online.

Putting you in touch

Salford is divided into 20 electoral wards, each represented by three city councillors. Elections of councillors are held three years in every four, with one third of the councillors retiring at each election.

Flying of flags

You can download a copy of the protocol outlining the procedures and arrangements for the flying of flags at Salford Civic Centre below.

Downloadable documents

If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.

Who to contact

This page was last updated on 25 January 2023

Council and decision making

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