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Sign in or register for an accountEvery two years Salford City Council asks residents about our key priorities. These priorities shape how the council plans our annual budget and allocates resources. We are currently looking at our priorities to ensure they continue to reflect the needs and aspirations of local people and communities.
If you want to find out about previous surveys, what the feedback was or what we did, then that information is provided on the tabs.
Here in Salford, it is important that all communities across our city feel supported, included and engaged as we identify the city council’s priorities. We launched our most recent survey last year to seek views as to what those priorities should be over the next four years.
We supported this engagement in a variety of ways, including through our ‘What Matters to You’ survey. In summary:
What you told us
“Good quality housing that is accessible and meets people’s needs and ensuring everyone has a warm, safe home should be fundamental to this.”
“Ensuring our adult social care is prioritised is a must, especially for the elderly and the vulnerable.”
What you value as important
“Supporting people who are struggling with the cost of living using all the means that we have to prevent them being in poverty in the first place or to get out of poverty.”
“Raise community aspiration and engagement through culture, green spaces, urban regeneration and physical activities - this needs to be coproduced with the community not done to the community. The role of the physical environment to uplift the community - make it prettier, safer and a place that people are proud to call home.”
This page was last updated on 13 March 2024