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Essential food provision

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In an emergency, please contact Salford Assist who may be able to offer you short term assistance with essential food provision if you are in a crisis, emergency or major disaster situation as well as referral routes to longer term support.

Check to see if you meet Salford Assist's eligibility criteria and fill out an online application form or contact the team on 0800 694 3695.

  • Pregnant women and people with a child under four who are on certain benefits can get help to buy healthy food, infant formula and milk. Visit the Healthy Start webpage for more details or call the Healthy Start Helpline on 0300 330 7010. Citizens Advice Salford can also help you to apply.
  • Check if your child is entitled to free school meals. Children and young people in reception, year one and year two qualify no matter what your income is. For general enquires, you can use the free school meals contact form to find out more.
  • There are a range of helpful tips and recipes available to save money by avoiding food waste through the Love Food, Hate Waste.
  • The BBC have also put together a selection of budget recipes and advice around making the most of your food budget
  • Food clubs in Salford

This page was last updated on 30 October 2024

Support with the Cost of Living

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