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Charging Assessment Team

Know your rights - expect advice on benefits and debt - Salford Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service

What is the Charging Assessment Team?

Salford City Council has charged for non-residential care since approximately 2003. Non-residential care is care which is usually not in a care home. This includes day care in places like a day centre, home care or respite care.

Respite care is any temporary care of a sick, elderly or disabled person which provides a break for their usual carer. The charging assessment team does not do assessments for respite charging. Queries on this should be directed to Client Affairs (please see below).  

The power to charge for these services currently comes from the Care Act 2014.

The charging assessment team are the people who calculate the amount you are asked to contribute towards the costs of your care.

Why is charging assessment based within the Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service?

In Salford we recognise that charging for some services is essential but may impact disproportionately on people with a low fixed income such as social security benefits or pensions.

In line with our values and especially “listening and acting on what people say” we want to ensure that anyone we charge for non-residential care receives the best possible service and has had their income maximised.

We also take account of two of our eight priorities as a council. These are

  • Tackling Poverty and Inequality and especially taking “action to make things better for the many households struggling to make ends meet” and looking “to prevent people from falling into poverty in the first place”.
  • Health and Social Care and especiallyworking with our partners to improve health and wellbeing”.

In most local authorities charging assessment is based within the Finance or similar teams. Uniquely in Salford our charging assessors are based within our Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service. This is because our charging assessors have two roles.

When you are contacted by a charging assessor they will be looking to

  • maximise your income by carrying out a comprehensive benefit check of your household. This includes ensuring you have help with form filling if you need it; challenging decisions and even representation at social security appeals if necessary
  • calculate your charge taking into account your available income after we have offset agreed amounts for any extra you spend because of disability. You can read more about the calculation itself on Paying for care and support in the community. An even more detailed explanation can be found in our latest booklet, which can be downloaded below.

Often, people can become better off because the benefit check identifies missing entitlements. Once those are in place your overall income may be more than it was before, even after you have paid for your care.

How do I refer myself or another person for a charging assessment?

There is no need to refer yourself for a charging assessment. Your details are passed to the charging assessors team as soon as non-residential care is put in place.

If you are receiving non-residential care and have a new benefit or debt issue for which you would like immediate advice or representation you do not need to contact your charging assessor. You can contact the welfare rights or debt advice service.  

What can I do if I have a question?

  • If your question is about your charge you should contact your current or last charging assessor on their direct number or via their email address.
  • If your question is about invoices or payment please contact Finance on 0161 793 2177.
  • If your question is about your care package please contact Adult Social Care on 0161 206 0604.
  • If your question is about charging for respite care please contact Client Affairs on 0161 793 3594.

What can I do if I am not happy with the charge?

The letter confirming how much you will pay for your non-residential care also tells you about your right to appeal. You may represent yourself or ask for an advocacy organisation to help you. You can find the appeal forms at the bottom of this page. They should be posted to the address on the form. They can also be emailed directly to

This page was last updated on 16 August 2023

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