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Barff and Kennedy Public Spaces Protection Order

Notice of Extension of the City of Salford (Alleyway between 35/37 Kennedy Road and 36/38 Barff Road, Weaste) Public Spaces Protection Order 2016

Extended from 9 December 2019 to 8 December 2022

The area of Weaste in the vicinity of Kennedy Road suffered from crime and anti-social behaviour for a number of years, particularly following the closure of the Willows Rugby League Stadium in 2011, and its demolition in 2012.

Crime and ASB occurred within the alleyway itself and in particular was used as an escape route by persons carrying out crime and ASB in the immediate area, making their apprehension by the police more difficult. The above Public Spaces Protection Order was made on 9 December 2016 to enable the gating of this alleyway with the objective of reducing the ‘activities’ that had a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality as stated below:

  • The throwing of objects including stones, bricks, tiles and fireworks at persons, properties and vehicles
  • Vandalism of property / breaking into property / theft from property
  • Noisy off-road motor bikes being ridden dangerously through the alleyway
  • The setting of fires in the alleyway including setting fire to motorbikes
  • Large groups of persons gathering in and in the vicinity of the alleyway shouting, swearing and intimidating residents
  • Dumping of rubbish / littering in the alleyway
  • Drug-taking in the alleyway
  • Violence and assault

The PSPO was due to expire on 8 December 2019. However, the council has undertaken the procedures set out in section 72 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 with a view to extending the operation of the PSPO for a further period of three years, pursuant to section 60 of the Act. Having reviewed the effect of the PSPO, the council is satisfied on reasonable grounds that extending the PSPO for a period of three years is necessary to prevent the occurrence or reoccurrence of the activities identified in the Order. Therefore, on 28 November 2019 the council decided to extend the PSPO for a period of three years, so that it is now due to expire on 8 December 2022.

The PSPO prohibits persons from ‘being in’ the restricted area (with an exemption for adjoining and adjacent residents, those being 1–71 (odds) Kennedy Road, 2–72 (evens) Barff Road, 26–40 (evens) Tootal Road and 1–15 (odd) New Cross Street.  

To be in breach of the PSPO is an offence. The gates erected are to prevent the use of the restricted area by unauthorised persons. The gates will be managed and maintained by the council.

Please see below for a full copy of the made order including the map of the area and the made order.

If you would like more information regarding this order contact or by telephoning 0161 686 5830.

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This page was last updated on 11 December 2019

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