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About trading standards


We have a statutory duty to enforce over 50 acts of Parliament and over 1,000 sets of regulations. We believe in firm but fair regulation in line with our enforcement and prosecution policy. We will utilise all powers available to tackle those who deliberately flout the law to protect the Salford residents, businesses and visitors.

Rogue traders and doorstep selling

We work hard with partners to combat rogue traders who often prey on the most vulnerable in their own home. If you, or someone you know has been targeted by a rogue trader please report it to The Citizens Advice Consumer Service who can provide free impartial advice and refer the matter to the most appropriate Trading Standards department for consideration.

Underage sales

Complaints received concerning businesses selling age-restricted products to underage children are logged for intelligence purposes and test purchasing operations and surveillance is conducted based on this information. Age-restricted products include alcohol, knives, tobacco and fireworks. If you would like to report underage sales or if you are a business who would like some support in this area, please contact us online.


We are responsible for food standards enforcement - what the label states should be accurate. This includes all food and drink on offer for sale to consumers and covers both packed and loose products and includes information about allergens. We routinely inspect food premises, submit samples for analysis and test purchase foods. We can provide business advice on quality systems and best practice. For further information go to the Food Standards Agency website.

Counterfeit goods

Counterfeit goods are often of poor quality and as such are often dangerous. If the goods are faulty consumers rarely receive refunds and restrict consumers' statutory rights. The impact of counterfeiting on genuine manufacturers and retailers can damage businesses beyond repair and jobs are subsequently lost.

Product safety

We routinely visit importers and wholesaler to inspect goods, if a potentially unsafe product is identified samples are submitted for testing. Action is taken by our officers where products have been identified to be unsafe, this can include initiating a recall to ensure unsafe products are removed from the market and providing advice to the business on future compliance. In severe cases more formal action, such as prosecution is taken.

Weights and measures

We have a statutory duty to routinely check the accuracy of a wide range of weighing and measuring equipment; these can include petrol pumps, weighing scales and weighbridges.

Proceeds of crime

The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 enables the recovery of assets and money obtained as a result of criminal activity. This service has dedicated officers who are trained financial investigators, and where appropriate this service will take action to recover assets of acquisitive crime.

Who to contact

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This page was last updated on 23 January 2025

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