Advice for parents: 6 to 9 months

A young baby boy laughing

Five to Thrive

Respond – Cuddle – Relax – Play - Talk

Do these five things each time you interact with your child from the time they are born and you will help to grow a healthy, strong and confident child.

You can also come along and see Five to Thrive come alive at your local Family Hub. Call 0161 788 0385 to find out more.

To find out more about more about each of the Five to Thrive expand the boxes below.


My brain grows better when you respond to me.

My brain works very slowly at first. But when you respond to me in the same way over and over again the connections you are helping to build grow strong. Then they can carry messages between the different parts of my brain more quickly.

Key milestones

  • I will show you that I like you talking to me by smiling at you, looking at you or moving my arms, legs or body.
  • Sometimes when you talk to me I will become quieter or make noises and move my arms, legs or body.

Respond activities

See more on our 0 to 12 months activities page.


My brain grows better when you cuddle me.

Before I was born I was more aware of touch than of any other sense, and I was safely held in a small space. Now I can move freely, but I still feel most safe when I am in contact with a grown up who loves me.

Key milestones

  • I can show that I like you to hold me or cuddle me by snuggling up to you, smiling, looking at your face or stroking you.
  • When you say my name I stop what I am doing and look at you.

Cuddle activities

See more on our 0 to 12 months activities page.


My brain grows better when you relax with me.

I know that having a baby is stressful. But if you can find ways to relax when you are with me, you can make a big difference to the way my brain works.

Key milestones

  • I snuggle into grown ups that I know when I am feeling upset, worried or tired.

Relax activities

See more on our 0 to 12 months activities page.


My brain grows better when you play with me.

When you play counting games, or singing games or action games, my brain builds connections that help me to make sense of the world around me and to have fun.

As I get older, playing with me and helping me to play on my own or with other children builds connections in my brain that make it possible for me to think and plan, to make sense of the world around me and to develop social skills.

Key milestones

  • I understand what you mean when you use words and actions together. For example, as you wave and say 'bye bye' or use actions as you sing rhymes like 'Wind the bobbin up'.
  • I can use my voice or look at you to get your attention and tell you that I want you to be with me.

Play activities

See more on our 0 to 12 months activities page.


My brain grows better when you talk to me.

When you talk to me I copy you. At first I can only make a few sounds, but the more you talk to me the more I can make sounds into words. I need you to tell me everything right from the start. I know nothing, so everything I learn in my life will be built on what you are teaching me now. Involve me in life by telling me about it.

Key milestones

  • I can lift up my arms when I think you are going to pick me up.
  • I like to make different sounds and noises, such as 'baba', 'nono' and 'gogo' when a grown up talks to me.

Talk activities

See more on our 0 to 12 months activities page.

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