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My reviews

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What are Statutory Reviews for under 18's?

Reviews are meetings that take place when you are cared for and these check:

  • Your care plan is working for you,
  • You are being looked after well,
  • If anything about your care plan needs changing,
  • The things that were decided before have been done for you,
  • What plans need to be made for your future,
  • That you and your parents know about your care and that you all can have your say.

They generally happen every six months. You can have a say in where they take place, at what time and who attends.

What is a care plan?

Your care plan covers all areas of your life and makes sure you are well looked after. It says what has been decided about where you live, who you live with, your health, going to school, seeing your family and friends and culture and all the positive things you have achieved. This plan may change as things in your life change.

How long are reviews?

Your meetings will last about one hour or so. It's ok to ask for a break, if you need it.

People who will be invited to the meeting

Your social worker, your carers, your independent review officer (IRO), your parents, someone from school and your school nurse.

If you are old enough you can attend for part or all of your meeting if you wish - this is something that you can talk about to your carer, social worker or independent reviewing officer (IRO for short) or if you have one your independent visitor or advocate, who can be contacted by phone on 0161 707 0222 or freephone 0800 085 6908 (not free from all mobiles) or even by email:

Do you get to say anything?

It's important that everyone tries to understand about how you are feeling, about where you live and how things are going for you.

There are different ways that you can have your say:

  • You can come along to the meeting.
  • You can meet with your IRO before the review to discuss some of the things you might want to talk about, or you can email them or phone them. Their contact details are below.
  • You could fill in a consultation document.
  • Even if decisions are made that you don't agree with, you can say you don't agree and ask questions. If you are worried about saying things, you can ask someone you trust to help you out (like your carer, social worker, or teacher). They could speak for you in your meeting if that would help.

After the meeting

After the meeting your IRO will send a letter telling you the things that have been talked about in your meeting.

Contact details for your IRO

You can contact your IRO between reviews if you want:

Telephone 0161 603 4350 or email or write to:

Safeguarding Children and Quality Assurance Unit,
Sutherland House,
303 Chorley Road,
M27 6AY

18+ Reviews

The Relevant and Former Relevant Review Officer (RFRRO) has a similar role to the independent review officer. The RFRRO reviews the pathway plans of young people who are no longer in care and the pathway plans of former cared for young people (over 18 year old).

Together with the young person, the RFRRO and pathway advisor or aftercare worker hold a meeting to look at what is working well and what may need to happen in the future to ensure you continue to receive help and guidance in order to move forward in a positive and supportive way.

The RFRRO will highlight and record any specific areas on the review form that require further action or following up by the young person or other workers. We will ensure your views are clearly recorded and any concerns or issues are responded to and where possible resolved.

Following the review, the pathway advisor or aftercare worker will ask you to complete a brief feedback form to give you the opportunity to comment on the review process and whether you feel it was a positive and useful meeting and if you have any suggestions to improve the process.

If requested, you will be provided with a copy of the review and a copy will be included in your case file. Pathway plan reviews are held once a year, unless you or your pathway advisor or aftercare worker requests an earlier review. Your participation is valued and essential in making sure the service and support you receive from Next Step is positive and individual to you and your situation.

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