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Youth projects

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Alongside open access youth work and targeted sessions with youth workers, the youth service offers a range of specialist projects for young people. We also work closely with partners to promote young people's access to additional support.

Turnaround project

The Choose to Change youth project been replaced with a ‘turnaround’ project. While the workers and the aim to prevent first time entries into the criminal justice system remain the same, the criteria for referral have changed due to funding changes.

Referrals can only come directly to the project from the police, court, or acceptable behaviour agreement (ABA) meetings. Please make all other referrals or requests for services related to the welfare and safety of young people in Salford via The Bridge.

Citywide detached team

The Citywide detached team engages with young people aged 11 to 16 across Salford wherever they agree to meet. For example, in parks and green spaces, around shopping areas and retail centres and on the streets and housing estates.

Detached work involves a negotiated voluntary relationship with young people in order to provide support, empowerment and a set of planned outcomes. The work must address the needs of young people and be relevant to them in order to be effective.

Duke of Edinburgh

If you are in year 9 or above, then you can get involved in the Duke of Edinburgh’s award and you have till your 25th birthday to complete it.

By starting your DofE award you are giving yourself a better chance of getting that college, university place or job in the future. You will gain key life skills whilst having a great experience which will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Salford youth service DofE runs out of the Deans Youth Centre, Swinton and meets once a month. Contact 0161 778 0700 or or go to our Duke of Edinburgh page to find out more.

Girls groups

Salford youth service run girls’ groups across Salford for young women aged 12 to 19 years old.

The aim of the groups is to bring young women together in a safe space which is female only where they can be themselves, meet new friends and take part in a wide range of activities such as sports and fitness, drama, music, arts and more.

The groups take place at the Deans Youth Centre, Bridgewater Youth Centre, and Salford Lads and Girls club.

For more information contact 0161 778 0700 or


The Salford LGBTQ+ Youth Groups are fun, supportive and safe spaces for Salford’s LGBTQ+ young people aged 13 to 18. Providing a place to make friends and connect with other LGBTQ+ people, the groups are a great place to explore identity and expression, learn about LGBTQ+ history and culture, engage with the community, and have fun with games, arts, campaigns, special guests, trips and more! There are groups at Deans Youth CentreBridgewater Youth Centre, The Beacon Centre and one in Eccles.

We also offer T & Toast, which focusses specifically on the needs of trans and non-binary people. Running simultaneously but separately, T & Toast offers a supportive space from trans and non-binary young people as well as a space for the parents and carers of trans and non-binary young people.

With workshops, special guests and engaging activities, T & Toast is a great place to learn, connect and grow. T & Toast meets every third Sunday at the Beacon Centre.

For more information, please contact Chris Rice at 0161 778 0700 or Follow @salfordlgbtq_youthgroups on Instagram.

Respect Programme

The Respect Programme is a six week programme working with year 6 classes once a week. The programme looks at staying safe, your community, diversity, hate crime, anti-bullying, and how you are a part of the community you live in. To get the Respect Programme in your school teachers can contact Ant on 0161 778 0700 or

Resilience Programme

The resilience project involves a 22 week social and emotional learning programme delivered to the whole class, by class teachers and youth workers.

Its aim is to teach young people to have the skills that strengthen their ability to learn, have empathy, manage emotions and problem solve. These are important skills for life. The sessions are one hour per week with work sheets, videos, role play, discussions and group activities.

The young people who have been involved in the project so far have really enjoyed it and have learnt lots of new skills.

There are five schools currently involved and due to the success of the project so far, we hope to involve more schools and children in the project across the city.

Spy Session

The Spy Session is held at Deans Youth Centre every Tuesday 4.15pm to 5.45pm for young people in year seven and older. Young people can take part in fishing, climbing, cooking, art and other activities. Contact Donna on 0161 778 0700 or Follow @spy_M27 on Instagram.

Walkden Project

The Walkden Project is a youth provision working with Salford Community Leisure and Salford Youth Alliance for young people 8 to 19 where young people can take part in sports, DofE, arts and lots of other activities. The Den, Unit 20/21 Lower Ground Floor, Walkden Town Centre. Contact or 0161 778 0700.

Youth Council   

Salford Youth Council is a youth voice group for anyone aged 11 to 21 who live, educated or works in Salford. We meet on a weekly basis, to plan events, work on campaigns, and promote positive stories of young people in Salford.

We are the home of the Young Mayor and Member of Youth Parliament for Salford. Contact Martyn on 0161 778 0700 or Follow @salfordyouthcouncil on Instagram.

Young Fathers

The Young Fathers project works with young fathers, who are aged up to 25 years old, and live in the Salford area. We work with young men who are expectant fathers, dads or young men who are acting as dads in a family unit.

Young men are referred into the project through a wide variety of sources and organisations and can self-refer too. The project works with and supports young men to get into training, work and further education, with accessing housing, getting the correct benefits, help with addressing safeguarding concerns, support and advice around parenting, healthy relationships, reducing drug and alcohol use, accessing mental health services, preparing for parenthood work, all towards the aim of young men being effective and involved dads to their children.

Contact Tom on 0161 778 0700 or email for more information. Agency referrals need to be submitted through the Children's Portal requesting a service from the Young Fathers project.

Get in touch

This page was last updated on 25 November 2024

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