If you are liable to pay council tax in the Salford City Council area you may be able to get temporary help with your council tax in accordance with the terms of Section 13A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
Reductions are discretionary and there is no set criteria for awards. We will look at all applications individually. Some examples of when we may consider giving you help are if:
The above list is not exhaustive.
You do not have to be currently in receipt of Council Tax Reduction to apply. If you are on a low income and have not yet applied for Council Tax Reduction you should do this first as you may qualify for some support.
Apply for Council Tax Reduction
The application form will ask you for information about your income, expenditure, debts and circumstances and will ask you to provide supporting evidence such as copies of bank statements and any other relevant information in support of your application. We will use these to check that you are getting any Council Tax Reduction, or any other discounts or reductions you may be entitled to.
The application will also ask you to explain what actions you have already taken to try to address your financial situation and improve your circumstances and whether you have received, are currently seeking, or want to receive debt advice and support.
We will look at your application and decide: