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Sign in or register for an accountPersonal homecare is help with the personal tasks you cannot manage alone in order to enable you to carry on living at home. This might be tasks such as getting in and out of bed, getting dressed, going to the toilet, washing, eating, taking medication or going out.
Homecare organisations must be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and you should ask to see a copy of their latest inspection report.
Be clear what you want the homecare staff to help you with:
If you are eligible for publicly-funded care and support, this sort of information should be in your support plan.
Homecare organisations should work to set standards and you can ask for a copy of these. They may be part of the organisation's statement of purpose. Some have agreed to meet Adult Social Care's service standards, which include:
You can contact a homecare provider directly, or you can ask Adult Social Care for an assessment.
The organisations that have agreed to meet Adult Social Care service standards have also agreed to charge no more than our set prices.
If you decide to make your own arrangements, without a social care assessment, neither Adult Social Care, not Salford City Council will be able to help you and you will have to pay the full cost of the homecare.
If you are thinking of making your own arrangements, you should talk to an independent financial adviser, to see if this is the best option for you.
If you are eligible for publicly-funded care and support, the council will need to find out about your finances, to work out how much it can help you with.
Adult social care is now provided by Northern Care Alliance
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