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Talking to health services

If you have problems telling your doctor or nurse what is wrong, or what you want, ask them to use the Power In Our Hands pack.

This is a communications pack, designed by a group of adults with learning difficulties and complex needs.

Within the pack there is a tool book which has pictures and symbols. It will help you:

  • form sentences
  • ask questions
  • give information
  • offer choices using the pictures and symbols available
  • and most importantly, help you get the best experience from your appointment

Who can use it?

Anyone who has difficulties communicating with their GP or health worker including those with:

  • learning difficulties
  • autism
  • dementia
  • those whose first language is not English
  • children

The pack can improve communication helping to create a relaxed and positive experience.

Where can I get this from?

If you would like to use the pack at your next appointment, just ask the receptionist while making your appointment or ask your doctor when you arrive.

If you have a health passport, you can also add the pack to the communication section.

Want more information?

If you would like to find out more about the communication pack or Power in our Hands, you can call the Waterside Resource Unit on 0161 794 6788.

Staying healthy

If you want help to eat healthy and exercise, talk to our health improvement service. If you have a social worker, tell them. They can help you make a health action plan.

Making reasonable adjustments

If you have problems getting health services, the health workers should change how they provide the service, to make it easier for you. It could be giving you more time for your appointment or changing the treatment they give you.

You should tell them what you are worried about, so they can help.

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