Looking after your home

Keeping your home clean and safe, managing bills and keeping your home warm enough

Keeping your home clean and safe - housework

Age UK Salford and other organisations offer shopping and cleaning services.

Home repairs

Tenants of ForHousing, Salix Homes and other social landlords should contact their landlord to see what help is available.

Private tenants and owner occupiers may be able to get help with work around the home.


Buy simple pieces of equipment such as trollies, walking aids, helping hand grabbers, long handled brooms and dusters from high street stores, online or catalogues. You can get advice from Disabled Living.

Managing bills

It is better to ask for help before you get into difficulties with your bills. Contact Salford CAB for help and advice

Keeping warm and reducing heating costs

Salford City Council runs home energy efficiency schemes to help you with insulating your home, or with energy efficient heating systems.

Key safes

A key safe is a small safe-box near your front door. A set of your key(s) are kept inside. They can only be retrieved by someone who knows the correct code to open the box. This means that if you get into difficulties in your home then someone will always be able to get in and help. It is up to you who you give the code to and you can change the code as often as you like. Key safes can be wall-mounted, have a locking shackle or be attached to the top of a door and kept in place by closing the door.

Local companies that can provide key safes and fit them are, for example Age UK Salford.

What Adult Social Care can do

If you want more advice or you feel that you need more support, contact Adult Social Care which may be able to assess your situation and discuss the type of support you need.

Adult social care is now provided by Northern Care Alliance

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