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Do you need emergency accommodation?

Are you homeless with no-where to stay? If you can, you should try to find somewhere to stay temporarily. This might include speaking with friends and family or talking to your landlord.

For help you can contact Salford Housing Options Service – the council’s Housing Advice and Assistance Service.

How do I contact them?

The best way to contact the service is to go in person to the desk in the large white building at Salford Civic Centre, ground floor, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5AD and ask for the Housing Options Service.

Opening hours

  • Monday 8.30am to 4.30pm
  • Tuesday 8.30am to 4.30pm
  • Wednesday 8.30am to 4.30pm
  • Thursday 12.30pm to 4.30pm
  • Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm

You can also contact the service by emailing

Or contact the out of hours service on 0161 794 8888.

How can the service help you?

The Housing Options Service will explore all possibilities to relieve your homelessness first, including speaking with your family, friends or landlord (for example).

If there is no way to solve your homelessness temporarily and the service has a ‘reason to believe’ that you have a right to temporary accommodation (as described in Housing Act) then they will refer you to the Temporary Accommodation Team, who will place you in our emergency temporary accommodation.

What is temporary accommodation?

  • Emergency placements are made into accommodation that is available on the day – temporary accommodation is in short supply. An initial offer may be bed and breakfast accommodation.
  • Being in temporary accommodation will not mean that you get an offer of settled accommodation any quicker.
  • Where possible, the location of schools and work will be taken into account, but due to the current housing crisis it may not be possible to place you near to schools/work.
  • The Temporary Accommodation Team will check your homeless application to make sure that you (and your household) will not be at risk in the area of the emergency accommodation or that any physical disability needs are met.
  • We will try to move you to more suitable temporary accommodation, whenever possible.
  • If you are single this may be a room in a shared house or in accommodation where there is support available to you, based in the project.
  • How long you are in temporary accommodation will vary depending on the size of the property you need, what areas are safe for you to live in or whether you need a wheelchair accessible home, but it is not unusual for people to be in temporary accommodation for a year or more.
  • We may have to move you to different properties, in order to make best use of the small amount of temporary accommodation available to us and to help us to meet individuals’ needs where possible. However, we will try to avoid unnecessary moves whenever possible.
  • We will place you within Salford as far as is reasonably possible, but there will be times when it is not suitable to place someone within Salford due to risks.
  • If you are working then you may have to pay towards the cost of your temporary accommodation, depending on your income.

Do I need to bring anything?

You will need to take the following with you:

  • One proof of identification such as valid passport, driving licence, medical card or GP letter
  • One proof of income / benefits such as benefits letter, wage slip or bank statement
  • Proof of national insurance number

What if I don’t have a right to temporary accommodation?

If the Housing Options Service decide that you do not have a right to temporary accommodation under the Housing Act, but you are at risk of rough sleeping (such as sleeping in cars, doorways or empty buildings), then a temporary placement in the councils ‘A Bed Every Night’ service might be an option and you’re details will be shared with that team.

The Housing Options Service can refer you to the ‘A Bed Every Night’ service.

What is A Bed Every Night Service (ABEN)?

ABEN provides a bed and personal support to anyone who is or is likely to be sleeping rough very soon.

This service is available for those who are not owed any temporary accommodation duty under homelessness law and for those who are subject to immigration control (for example asylum seekers or those who have been refused asylum) and who cannot claim public funds/money.

You may have to pay a charge towards the gas, electricity and water supplies, depending upon your financial situation.

Please note that extra priority on Salford Home Search is not given, if you are placed in ABEN accommodation.

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