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Refer someone who is homeless

Anyone can refer someone that they are worried may be at risk of or are homeless, to the Housing Options Service (Salford City Council's expert housing advice and assistance service) - with the persons agreement.

This includes, people referring themselves, family and friends, worried members of the public, private and social landlords, voluntary organisations and all public services.

We want everyone that is worried about someone who may be at risk of homelessness to make a referral as soon as possible, so that we can try to prevent this from happening.

How do I refer someone who is at risk or is homeless in Salford? 

First of all, please get the individual's agreement to refer them and then complete the below referral form.

Referral form

If the individual is homeless when they are referred they should also be advised to go in person to the Housing Options Service at Salford Civic Centre, Swinton, Manchester, M27 5DA.

After receiving the referral the Housing Options Service will arrange to see the individual and will enquire about their eligibility (or in other words whether they have the right to housing advice and assistance under the Housing Act 1996), as well as their housing situation - before a decision is made as to whether the council can help them.

Information for professionals, private sector and voluntary services

From 1 October 2018, under the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017, public services have a duty to refer those who are homeless or threatened with homelessness to housing services, with the applicants consent. 

Who does the public duty to refer relate to? 

Public services are: 

  • Health services – including accident and emergency, in-patient and all mental health services
  • Social care services
  • Children’s services
  • Prisons (public and contracted out)
  • Youth offender institutions and youth offending teams
  • Secure training centres (public and contracted out) and colleges
  • Probation services (community rehabilitation companies and national probation service)
  • Jobcentre Plus

Although the ‘duty to refer’ does not formally apply, Greater Manchester Police and registered housing providers have also agreed voluntarily to refer those who are homeless or threatened with homelessness to housing services. We need as many public, private and third sector services, as possible, to cooperate voluntarily with this duty.

Greater Manchester authorities have agreed to use one short referral form to ensure consistency across the area. Please check with each local authority their processes for submitting the referral.

The individual can request to be referred to any local authority of their choice. However, if they are homeless and do not have a local connection they may be referred back to the authority where they do have a local connection. 

The duty to refer privacy notice is available to read on our data protection legislation page.

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