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Sign in or register for an accountThe Joint Strategic Strengths and Needs Assessment (JSSNA) considers a wide range of factors that affect the health and wellbeing of the people of Salford. The objective of traditional JSNAs (without the second ‘S’) is to involve partner organisations, such as the local NHS, local authorities, police, fire service and third sector organisations, in order to provide a top level, holistic view of current and future need within the city. By including ‘Strengths’ Salford aims to build on this approach by acknowledging the importance of the role played by the many existing strengths and assets within our city and its communities that already bring huge benefits to society, families and individuals.
Rather than a single JSSNA document, Salford’s JSSNA is a collection of themed reports each exploring a particular topic in greater detail. The JSSNA is used to agree key priorities to improve the health and wellbeing of all our communities, at the same time as reducing health inequalities. The delivery of the JSSNA is a responsibility of Salford’s Health and Wellbeing Board. Findings from the JSSNA also inform Salford’s Locality Plan.
The JSSNA also informs Salford’s ward profiles which provide an overview of the key demographic social, environmental and economic trends affecting the area and the demand for and take-up of public services. Ward profiles are continually updated, improved on and expanded.
Information which benchmarks Salford against England can also be found in several health profiles produced by Public Health England. These include the city-wide Salford Health profile and Child Health profile. The latest information around GP practices can be found at National General Practice profiles.
These profiles are useful to consider in conjunction with the ward profiles to provide further city level information with comparison to England.
The information in the JSNA is based on good quality data. However, it is not the full story of what it is like to live in Salford or what the best ways are to continue to improve Salford. Information about the strengths of each neighbourhood can be found at the Co-op Community Wellbeing Index and information about the health and social determinants of neighbourhoods is available at local health.
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