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Make a representation on a licence application

Any person can submit a representation. This includes any individual, body or business, regardless of their geographic proximity to the premises.

You can make a representation by completing the make a representation form.

View the latest applications.

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Make a representation form

Please make sure you state clearly how you believe the application will affect the promotion of one or more of the licensing objectives. These are:

  1. the prevention of crime and disorder
  2. public safety
  3. the prevention of public nuisance, or
  4. the protection of children from harm

Please give the full address of the premises for which the application has been made and say how your comments relate to that premises only. We cannot accept comments about other premises or about the effect of the legislation in general.

You must also give your name and your own postal address.

You should be aware that if you make a representation your personal details will normally be disclosed to the licence applicant. The Licensing Authority is required by law to provide an applicant with a copy of representations made. The applicant may seek to make contact with you to discuss your representation, e.g. to discuss concerns and explore potential mitigations. If you do not wish to engage in dialogue with the applicant, please inform them of this. Please notify the licensing authority if this request for no further contact is not respected.

In exceptional circumstances, where there are fears of intimidation or harassment and the Authority considers that a person has a genuine and well-founded fear of intimidation or violence, if their details are disclosed to an applicant, the Authority may consider alternative approaches. Please reference this in your representation if you believe this applies to you, and the licensing authority will give the matter further consideration.

Representations must be received within 28 days of the application. The advertisement displayed on the premises and in a local newspaper will show the date by which you can make a representation.

On receipt of a licensing application, there must be a 28 day representation period. If representations are received during the 28 day period, the application may go before a licensing committee and a decision will be made whether to approve, add conditions or refuse the application. If you make a representation you will be informed of the date and time of the hearing. This hearing must be held within 20 working days. The decision whether the licence has been granted, amended or refused will not be known until this hearing has taken place. If after the 28 days no representations have been received, the licence application will automatically be granted. If you wish to withdraw a representation please email

Frivolous or vexatious representations cannot be accepted.

Salford Licensing Authority is bound by the provisions set out in the Licensing Act 2003 and associated Regulations and has little discretion regarding processing applications. For more information or to make comments on the legislation or generally about alcohol licensing contact theĀ Department of Culture Media and Sport.

This page was last updated on 2 August 2023

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