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Remembering the Queen

Here are a few photographs of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on previous visits to Salford.

1954 - Royal visit

Men standing on the back of a CWS truck at the corner of Withington Street, Windsor Bridge to get a better view of Queen Elizabeth II visiting Salford.

Men standing on the back of a CWS truck at the corner of Withington Street, Windsor Bridge to get a better view of the Queen visiting Salford.

The Mayor and Mayoress of Salford, Alderman and Mrs JH Lester, are waiting in the rain on the Crescent to welcome the Royal Party. The building with the black and white decoration was the Jubilee Nurses Home, now it is the Working Class Movement Library. The block at the centre of the image has now been demolished.

The Mayor and Mayoress of Salford, Alderman and Mrs JH Lester, are waiting in the rain on the Crescent to welcome the Royal Party

Royal visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Salford.

Royal visit of Queen Elizabeth to Salford

Queen Elizabeth II royal visit.

Queen Elizabeth II royal visit

Queen Elizabeth II royal visit

Royal visit to Salford. Queen Elizabeth ll and Prince Philip at Peel Park.

Royal visit to Salford. Queen Elizabeth ll and Prince Philip at Peel Park.

1961 - Royal visit

Crowds gather for royal visit of Queen Elizabeth II.

Crowds gather for royal visit of Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II being greeted by the Mayor of Salford, Alderman Margaret Whitehead.

The Queen being greeted by the Mayor of Salford, Alderman Margaret Whitehead

Reception for royal visit of Queen Elizabeth II.

Reception for royal visit of Queen Elizabeth II

1968 - Royal visit to Worsley for Operation Spring Clean

Crowds sitting and waiting.

Crowds sitting and waiting.

Crowds sitting and waiting.

Sea cadets lined up alongside canal.

Sea cadets lined up alongside canal.

Scouts lined up alongside canal.

Scouts lined up alongside canal.

Queen Elizabeth II in Worsley on humped back bridge over canal with sea cadets at rear.

Queen Elizabeth II in Worsley on humped back bridge over canal with sea cadets at rear. Operation Spring Clean.

Queen Elizabeth II in Worsley meeting guests.

Queen Elizabeth II in Worsley meeting guests.

Queen Elizabeth II in Worsley walking over humped back bridge. Colonel Willink at rear.

Queen Elizabeth II in Worsley walking over humped back bridge. Col Willink at rear.

Brownies on canal bank.

Brownies on canal bank.

Queen Elizabeth II in Worsley standing near humped back bridge talking to Colonel Willink.

Queen Elizabeth II in Worsley standing near humped back bridge talking to Col Willink.

2012 - visit to MediaCityUK

MediaCity piazza with image of Queen Elizabeth II on the big screen.

MediaCity piazza with Queen on big screen

Queen Elizabeth II leaving car after arriving at The Quays.

Queen at MediaCity in 2012, leaving car

Queen Elizabeth II accepting flowers from a person in the crowd.

Queen accepting flowers from a person in the crowd

Queen Elizabeth II walking past well wishers that are waving Union flags.

Queen at MediaCity in 2012

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