Fixed lights, generally security lights, which shine into a property and affect the use and enjoyment of that property by the occupant.
We investigate nuisance complaints under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
This category of nuisance does not apply to streetlights, please contact the highways team to discuss your concerns.
Artificial light from an airport, harbour premises, railway premises, tramway premises, a bus station and any associated facilities, a public service vehicle operating centre, a goods vehicle operating centre, a lighthouse; a prison or the highway.
Lights on moving vehicles cannot be dealt with by this category of nuisance either.
Information is available regarding common causes of artificial light nuisance, lights that are exempt and how councils can assess light.
It is important to ensure that your lights do not cause a nuisance to surrounding premises. The use of front and back plates on light fittings can help reduce spillage onto adjacent premises. If your light is shining directly onto someone else's premises you may be causing a statutory nuisance. Some tips can be found on the GOV.UK website.
If you want further advice or if you are troubled by light nuisance then please contact the Environmental Protection Team using our online reporting service.
Find out how to report this online
For advice about our procedures and the legislation we use please see our frequently asked questions page