Initial stages of consultation on the Local Plan (2013-14)

Two initial stages of consultation were undertaken prior to the Draft Local Plan being published for consultation in 2016:

Call for sites exercise (February to April 2013):
The initial stage of consultation was called a ‘call for sites' exercise and stakeholders were invited to suggest sites which they considered should be allocated for development, or land which should be given some form of protective designation. An initial draft sustainability appraisal scoping report was also published for consultation at this time.

Suggested sites consultation (January to March 2014):
Salford City Council reviewed all of the sites put forward through the call for sites exercise and published detailed assessments of their suitability for development or protective designation in a series of ‘suggested sites consultation’ documents. The sites which were suggested can also be viewed using the interactive map.

All of the consultation documents for these stages can be downloaded below.

Downloadable documents

Call for sites exercise documents

Suggested Sites consultation documents

If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.

This page was last updated on 17 May 2017

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