Search results

There are approximately 45 results for the search term 'autism':

Autism and social communication team


The autism and social communication team are a team of specialist teachers who work to provide specialist advice for children and young people in mainstream primary and secondary settings, who ha

Supported Employment Employer Forum


Finding and sustaining employment can sometimes be tough for people with autism or learning disabilities. However, there is strong international evidence that Supported Employment is an effective appr

If you think you are autistic


If you think you are autistic there is help out there. You don’t need to do it alone. On this page we hope we can help you find the support and activities that you need. There are websites, podcasts a

Help in creating positive environments, supporting transitions and making friends


Routines form an important part of all of our daily lives. Think about when you eat your lunch, do your food shop or visit a family member. We generally stick to similar routines each day and each wee

How Supported Employment is helping Salford residents and employers fulfil their potential


The Salford Supported Employment Service is a joint initiative between Salford City Council and the Growth Company (GC). It aims to make it easier for people with learning disabilities or autism to

Salford's neurodevelopmental offer


Welcome to Salford’s neurodevelopmental webpages. We hope you find these pages helpful. They aim to provide advice, guidance and support for children and young people with neurodevelopmental needs. W

Help in understanding and responding to behaviours


Behaviour is the way in which we act or respond to a situation or event that occurs. We can all respond to something positively. For example, smiling and laughing to show our enjoyment and pleasure. E

Help with speech, language and communication


Our communication skills are one of the most important set of skills we have. They help us to form friendships and relationships as well as help us to learn, develop and think. Our ability to understa

Supported employment (for residents)


Supported employment is everyone’s responsibility In Salford we believe people with a learning disability or autism deserve the same opportunities in life as their peers, including paid employment. We

Help with sensory skills


Sensory skills involve the senses of smell, touch, vision, hearing, balance and proprioception (where your body is in space) and taste. Our sensory skills constantly work together alongside our motor