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The cost of doing business

The business team help new and existing businesses access the full range of support available and facilitate business to business introductions to help grow Salford’s economy.

The team work in partnership with a range of public and private sector partners to:

  • Act as a single point of contact and as a gateway into the wider council and private sector resources and business networks.
  • Work together in partnership to encourage new business start-ups.
  • Help sustain and grow existing businesses by offering guidance to services that specialise in areas such as recruitment, staff and business development and relocation planning.

Maximise the benefit to Salford’s community through promoting Social Value.

Our services are completely free, confidential and tailored to you. The team offer a single point of contact for both council services and those delivered by partners. Key support is detailed below but if you can’t find what you are looking for please use the contact details below to see how we can help you deliver your business needs.