There is a wide range of net zero business support available for businesses across Salford which can now be accessed by all sizes of businesses whereas it was previously mainly for SMEs.
Below are the main providers of this support:
Bee Net Zero
Public-private partnership chaired by the GM Business Board and administered by the GMCA. 19 partner organisations involved
Online resource and campaign – roundup of resources and info relating to net zero for business in GM
Signposts to other direct business support from partners, but does not deliver this themselves
Excellent resource to point businesses to for easy-to-read summary of support available
Includes links to Green Economy’s key offerings (see below), e.g., Journey to Net Zero, Marketplace, Green Intelligence
Separate sub-pages for specific campaigns, which so far has included Green Finance, solar PV (“Rooftop Revolution”) and Electric Vehicles
Referral route – not applicable (not direct support)
Green Economy
Part of the Growth Company
Provide free support for businesses looking to achieve net zero and reduce their own carbon footprint
Journey to Net Zero Programme – an accredited level 3 cohort programme via group workshops, study material and one-to-one advice, environmental specialists will guide you through what net zero means for your business and how to prioritise action. This comprises 7 units across 21 hours of guided learning
Carbon Footprint calculation, target setting, efficiency review, carbon reduction plan implementation – one-to-one direct support
Carbon Reduction Grant – 50% match funded grant for projects £2,000 - £25,000, maximum grant of £12,500 – for capital purchases of energy efficient equipment, dependent upon carbon savings
Links to suppliers and installers of green technology
Scope 3 support
Support for suppliers of green technology
Develop supply chain capacity, improve levels of quality/confidence in products, increase visibility, create jobs/investment
Work with LAs to provide insight, monitor impact and align to strategic priorities
Future Leaders Programme – Management programme for aspiring sustainable leaders. Aimed at all sectors of business to inspire sustainability throughout their own organisation. Next cohort Jan 2024, hoping to have a further cohort in the future
Support for businesses looking to develop new green technology – aimed at those developing the technology rather than those who have already developed it (which would sit with the Green Economy Team)
R&D and commercialisation; Industry steer; Trial and demonstrator support; Funding and collaboration support; Investment and fundraising; Deployment and sales
Includes business support which can contribute to carbon reduction such as Lean Manufacturing support and also links to Net Zero Programmes via the Green Economy team
One-to-one support for businesses looking to develop products and business models. A mix of funded, part-funded and commercial offerings and can include both research and direct business and product development.
Centre for Sustainable Innovation
Looks at business operations and processes to make them more sustainable
Delivering and embedding change within an organisation, for example, implementation of a new technology
North of England Robotics Innovation Centre (NERIC)
State of the art robotics centre offering fully funded support to businesses looking to introduce robotics into their business
Automate processes, leading to lower energy consumption and less waste
Fully funded one-to-one support programme available
Research and Testing
Range of research and testing facilities for innovative green technologies
Energy House Labs
World class testing facility for green technology used in domestic properties