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Early help for families privacy notice

Our core data protection obligations and commitments are set out in the council’s primary privacy notice.

This notice provides additional privacy information for:

Children, young people and families accessing early help services. This includes early help services delivered in localities through Early Help Family Hubs and Integrated Youth Services.

About early help for children, young people and families

Children, young people and families with a range of problems often struggle to get the right help and support at the right time in the right way.

To ensure that children, young people and families get the early help that they need to enable them to improve their lives, Salford City Council and its partners are committed to working across organisations to coordinate help and support when it is most needed.

An early help offer for families also meets the government's requirements to deliver the national Troubled Families Programme in our area.

Why we are processing and sharing your information

The council and its partner organisations are working closely to ensure that services are more joined up. To help us do this, we collect and obtain your personal information for the following purpose(s):

  • to identify children, young people and families who are eligible for help and support;
  • to understand and meet the needs of children, young people and families;
  • to ensure services across a range of organisations are coordinated and focussed on children, young people families with the most pressing and complex needs; and
  • to participate in local and national research to assess how well the services are working in delivering better long term outcomes for children, young people
    and families and in making services more effective.

Categories of personal data

In order to carry out these purposes we collect and obtain personal records that relate to you.

This might include records in relation to your social care, any involvement with the police, courts and probation, aspects relating to employment, anti-social behaviour, violence in the home, substance misuse, educational attendance and behaviour, vulnerable children and health issues.

In addition to this, personal information will be used to evaluate how successful and effective early help services are at both local and national level.

National research

At national level, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has commissioned the Office of National Statistics (ONS) to undertake
national research to evaluate the effectiveness of the national Troubled Families programme.

Local Authorities and national government departments are being asked to contribute to this research study.

This means that a small amount of basic personal information supplied by the council about individual family members (such as name, address, date of birth,
sex and unique identifiers such as Unique Pupil Numbers) together with family level information about issues within the family and services accessed, such as:

  • crime or anti-social behaviour
  • children who have not been attending school regularly
  • children who need help: children of all ages, who need help, are identified as in need or are subject to a Child protection Plan
  • adults out of work or at risk of financial exclusion or young people at risk of worklessness
  • families affected by domestic violence and abuse
  • parents or children with a range of health problems
  • families at risk of homelessness
  • the type of support the family received and when

is linked with personal information held by national government departments.

The research aims to compare the outcomes between those families receiving help and those who are not. This will determine whether new ways of working changes lives for the better by, for example, reducing offending, truancy and getting people ready for work. This will also help inform improvements to the service over time.

Personal information linked for research purposes at national level will:

  • only be used for research
  • will be anonymised so the researchers will not know whose data they have
  • be kept securely to prevent any unauthorised use
  • will not be used for making decisions about families or individuals
  • not be shared back with the local authority
  • be destroyed once the research project is concluded

The national departments involved in this research are listed below:

  • Ministry of Justice (Police National Computer and prison database)
  • Department for Education (national Pupil Database and individualised learner record)
  • Department for Work and Pensions (Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study)

We will only receive information about the local authority results of the national research in anonymised form and any reports published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) will ensure that families and individuals are not identifiable. Further information about the national programme can be found here.

Legal basis for processing

Salford City Council has identified the following reasons for processing and sharing personal data and additional special category data below:

A. Lawful basis for processing personal data under Article 6 GDPR

The process is necessary for this reason:

(E) Public task: the processing is necessary to perform a task in the public interest or for official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law

B. Additional condition for processing special category data under Article 9 (2) GDPR

Special category per sonal data may be processed if:

(g) processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest on the basis of Union or Member State law which shall be proportionate to the aim
pursued, respect the essence of the right to data protection and provide for suitable and specific measures to safeguard the fundamental rights and the
interest of the data subject;

C. The DPA 2017 will provide a lawful basis to process criminal offence data (as required by Article 10 GDPR). The local authority will collect the personal data under the public task basis to improve services for families.

If we have asked for your consent to use your data

We rely on statutory duties detailed above to process your data but where we rely on your consent, you can withdraw it at any time.

Who we share your data with and why

To ensure that support can be offered to those with the most pressing need and to coordinate early help in the right way at the right time, we may share personal information about you with the following types of organisations:

  • Commissioned Providers (eg a charity or other organisation that we ask to provide services on our behalf)
  • Schools
  • Salford Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Salford Royal Foundation Trust
  • Greater Manchester Police
  • Greater Manchester Fire Service
  • Registered Providers (Housing)
  • Probation / Community Rehabilitation Company
  • Other Local Authorities

As well as information collected directly from you, if another organisation tells us that you or your wider family need help/support, we may also obtain or receive information from:

  • Commissioned Providers (eg a charity or other organisation that we ask to provide services on our behalf)
  • Schools
  • Salford Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Salford Royal Foundation Trust
  • Greater Manchester Police
  • Greater Manchester Fire Service
  • Registered Providers (Housing)
  • Probation / Community Rehabilitation Company
  • Other Local Authorities

Automated decisions

For this service:

  • All the decisions we make about you involve human intervention

How long we will keep your data for

Our Retention Schedule outlines how long we retain certain types of information for and this is viewable from this link.

Rights of individuals

Information about:

  • exercising your rights
  • contacting our Data Protection Officer (DPO)
  • raising a concern with us, or
  • making a complaint to the Information Commissioner is accessible in our guide on exercising your rights here.

Updates (notice)

We may update or revise this Privacy Notice at any time so please refer to the version published on our website for the most up to date details.

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