Council services at Swinton Gateway

Support and advice for the following services is available.

Assistance is also available for the following:

  • Booking community rooms - email
  • Booking computers
  • General building and service enquiries
  • Photocopying
  • Printing
  • Self service
  • Sending and receiving faxes

Salford Supported Employment Service also holds drop-in sessions at Swinton Gateway - check the Supported Employment page for the latest dates and times

Supported Employment provides people with learning disabilities or autism with specialised employment advice and support to find a job and receive in-work support to sustain work. We work with a wide range of businesses and organisations and provide support to benefit both the employee and employer for as long as needed. We host regular drop-in sessions across Salford where you can come and chat to the team to find out more about the support available.

This page was last updated on 11 September 2024

Swinton Gateway

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