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Be aware of scams

The council is warning residents to be on their guard after a spate of scams, which are often but not always about council tax. 

Scam phone calls

The caller says that you’re entitled to a rebate but asks for your bank details and an administrative fee before releasing the money. We would never ask for an administration fee to be paid before issuing a refund.

We'd never contact you to say that if you didn’t call back about the council tax you owed, the police would be involved and a warrant put out for your arrest.

Don’t call back unusual phone numbers or ones starting with 00.

Scam texts

The text asks you to click on a link and confirm bank details in order for a refund of council tax to be credited to your bank account.

The text says you have a pending COVID-19 grant and to click on a weblink from This is a suspicious website so don’t click on it.

Scam emails

The email asks you to click on a link and confirm bank details in order for a refund of council tax to be credited to your bank account.

Please be aware that the council will never text or email to ask you to confirm bank details in this way.

Tips for dealing with scams

Here are some tips from the GOV.UK website to help avoid falling victim to internet scams and phishing

  • Inform the police if you believe that anyone is impersonating staff from your local council or the valuation office.
  • Never give your bank details over the phone if you are not sure who you are dealing with
  • Never click on any links, download attachments or reply to text messages if you are not sure they are genuine

If you suspect you have been the victim of a scam you can get advice and report it at GOV.UK.

This page was last updated on 17 November 2020

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