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Landlord accreditation

The Landlord Accreditation Scheme (LAS) is a voluntary scheme working in partnership with the private sector, helping to create a better working relationship and offering advice and help on a wide variety of subjects relating to housing within the city of Salford.

The scheme has attracted over 750 members with 3,000 properties.

The scheme covers properties across the whole of Salford, providing advice and information for private landlords and managing agents. The scheme's aim is to improve the image of the area and ensure tenants have access to quality housing. We will give assistance to landlords, helping them to gain access to information and resources, which will help them, improve their service.

A Landlords Forum for the city has now been established, which invites all landlords and managing agents to give them the opportunity to discuss the issues that are relevant to them. We also provide up to date information on services available, council policies and local government legislation that will ultimately affect them and the service they provide.

The scheme serves to benefit both landlord and tenant by improving the image and standards of private rented accommodation.

To find out more about the Landlord Accreditation Scheme and what current incentives we have to offer you, select the appropriate link below:

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