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Foster carer jobs

The family placement team are looking to recruit and train foster carers for children of all ages, but especially older children and sibling groups.

Foster carers look after children in their own home when they are unable to live with their birth family, for a variety of reasons. As a foster carer, you will be responsible for the care, safety and well-being of a child or young person placed in your home by the local authority. You will work with Salford City Council and other involved parties to ensure the child or young person's needs are met in a positive and proactive manner.

Our specialist/Focus fostering scheme allows you to foster as a career, caring for children and young people with additional needs, such as challenging behaviour. You'll need some experience of caring for children or young people; this can be through your work or home life.

You'll also need a spare bedroom, no children under 16 living at home, and the desire to work as part of a committed team.

If you do have children living at home, you may be interested in short term or long term fostering.

You can find out more by making an enquiry.

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