Julia Finch - Headteacher at St Philip’s CE Primary School

Julia Finch

Recipient of the fund

"Brad fits in really well with my existing staffing, he already has the foundations of a productive and positive relationship with staff, pupils and their families as a result of his former time as a pupil and volunteer. Brad is an exemplary role model for all our children and especially those children who attend as part of our language resource provision. Brad naturally raises aspirations of our children and particularly those children who have speech and language support needs, he shows our children that you can get anywhere, do anything in-spite of difficulties, you can achieve anything if you give it a go. Brad’s role helps us ensure that all pupils get the opportunity to engage in a broad range of physical and fun activities and helps us to raise the profile of PE and physical activity in school.

I found the whole process very straightforward, it was an easy form to complete and I found out quickly about my eligibility. I was provided with a single contact and always received a quick response to any queries I had throughout the application process. I recommend making contact to explore what is available. The fund administrators can offer a lot of advice about apprenticeships generally and will talk you through the application process.

St Philip’s has received £3,000 from the Salford Skills for Business Apprenticeship Fund to assist with the salary costs. We would have really struggled without these funds which have been vital in making this happen. I wanted to give back to the community that we serve by creating this opportunity for a local person and felt that the overarching principles of the SSFBAF were in line with our commitment to serving our community, inclusion and growing your own.”

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