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Salford Skills for Business Apprenticeship Fund

Your organisation can benefit from a trailblazing apprenticeship fund developed by Salford public and private sector organisations.

See the criteria to apply for funding

Whether you want to employ an apprentice or support your existing workforce with professional development, we can provide financial support to cover the cost of apprenticeships, subject to meeting certain criteria.

So if you’re a small to medium sized organisation (SME) in Salford, who wants to develop your business and help unlock new talent, check out the criteria and apply today.

To apply simply complete the online form below.

Apply online

Since the fund was launched in 2019 it has supported 29 organisations and 58 individuals to undertake an apprenticeship – see our case studies from residents who have benefited from this fund.

We can also support you to identity suitable potential talent for an apprenticeship opportunity. If you have any queries regarding the fund don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing

Award for Best Partnership/Collaboration Award

In 2022, the Salford Skills for Business Apprenticeship Fund won Best Partnership/Collaboration in the PPMA (Public Services People Managers Association) Excellence in People Management Awards.

Our partners

To date the fund has invested not far off half a million pounds thanks to its partners Salford City Council, Apprenticeships at Salford City College, Bupa, Kingsland Drinks, Salix Homes, Seddon, University of Salford, dock10, Sodexo, Morson Group and Compass Apprenticeships. 

Salford Skills for Business Apprenticeship Fund - creating quality and sustainable apprenticeship opportunities to grow talent across the city

Apprenticeships at Salford City College


University of Salford

Kingsland Drinks

Dock 10

GMCA - Greater Manchester Combined Authority logo

Salix Homes


Compass Apprenticeships

Sodexo logo

Logo - Morson Group

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