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Designated premises supervisors

Under the Licensing Act 2003, all licences that authorise the sale of alcohol must contain details of the designated premises supervisor (DPS).

A designated premises supervisor (DPS) is the key person who will usually be responsible for the day to day management of the premises by the premises licence holder, including the prevention of disorder.

All businesses and organisations selling or supplying alcohol, except members clubs and certain community premises must have a designated premises supervisor.

It should be noted that there is no requirement to have a DPS in relation to a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) or club premises certificate.

What the DPS does

The person chosen to be designated premises supervisor (DPS) will act as primary contact for local government and the police. They must understand the social issues and potential problems associated with the sale of alcohol, and also have a good understanding of the business itself.

The designated premises supervisor is not required to be present on the premises at all times, however they do remain responsible for the premises at all times and it is therefore expected that they have significant involvement with the business, and to be readily contactable.

If the police or local government have any questions or concerns about the business, they will expect to be able to reach the designated supervisor.

Each business may have only one supervisor selected for this role, but the same person may act as the designated supervisor at more than one business.

In exceptional circumstances, the police may object to the appointment of an individual as a DPS.

Where, following an objection by the police, the licensing authority is satisfied that the appointment of a person as a DPS would undermine the crime prevention licensing objective; the policy is to refuse the appointment or to remove them as the DPS in circumstances where they are already in post.

Becoming a DPS

A designated premises supervisor must have a personal licence and must be nominated by the premises license holder for the role of designated supervisor.

You must complete a consent form, which can be found here:

Designated premises supervisor consent form

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