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Life after Year 11

Year 11s have almost completed this stage of their education, this brings new and exciting times ahead for them, Young people are likely to have an offer of further education from a local college or sixth form, or they may be seeking an apprenticeship or other work based training programme. 

Whichever pathway is next, they are also likely to be seeking a part time job to earn some additional cash. To help your young person, below is a list of key documents and information they will need in order to move into further education, apprenticeships or a part time job.

Please note, the information below is not an exhaustive list and more information can be found on our Find My Future section


Ideally a Birth Certificate and/or valid Passport (this needs to be in date and can take a few weeks to be returned once an application is submitted)

Birth Certificate 

If you need a replacement and were born in Salford you can order a replacement birth certificate. The fee starts from £12.50 to £38.50, plus postage. You can also call 0161 793 2500.


Your young person will need to collect an application form from the Post Office or complete the passport application online.  They will need a birth certificate before applying for this.

A supporting school letter for ID - If your young person does not have any ID and is struggling to get a birth certificate or passport, then you can request a supporting letter from their last school they attended. The school staff being asked to provide this information should know the young person well and detail the length of time they have known the young person and also at which home address. This can often help when trying to open a bank account, however cannot be used for passport applications. 

Bank account

Most banks will offer a 16 year old a basic current account. It is often easier for them to open an account where their parent/carer already has one. However, with the right ID any bank should be able to help.

This needs to be open before a young person starts college, an apprenticeship or employment.

National Insurance Number (NI)

This is usually sent to every young person just before their sixteenth birthday. Cards are no longer sent, just a letter with the full NI number. If your young person has lost the number/letter or did not receive one you can request a National Insurance Number.


Some employers will ask your young person for an up to date CV. This needs to include their education history as well as any work related experiences. This does not have to be formal work experience, it could also include projects they have completed in school and any work shadowing, trips to businesses. Example Traditional CV or why not try a CV using slides on PowerPoint? You can cover each section that a traditional CV has such as profile, education, work history, hobbies and so on, but also include images. For an example of a digital CV, email

Email address

Every young person needs a professional email address which can be created using one of the main accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook and so on. Please ensure it is one that is suitable for employers to have and keep a note of the login details!

Social media 

Most employers can and will check an applicant’s Facebook/Twitter accounts either before, during or after a person has started working for them. Please ensure your young person has an appropriate profile picture and ensure their privacy settings are appropriately set.

Young people should avoid putting any negative/offensive statuses or comments.

Interview clothes

Young people should dress appropriately for any college, apprenticeship or job interview. For most cases it should be formal dress, however there are some cases where a more casual dress is acceptable, so it is best to check with the organisation beforehand.

  • If your young person does not have any formal clothing that is suitable, they could attend in their school uniform.  This should be clean and smart.
  • If they need funds to buy interview clothes, please ask them to speak to their school or careers advisor who maybe be able to advise on who can help. Alternatively contact

Our Pass

This is a free bus pass for all 16 and 17 year olds (usage from September after they have left school). Apply for an Our Pass online, or by going to your nearest bus station. ID will be required and a £10 admin fee for the year. 

Child Benefit

Your Child Benefit stops on 31 August on or after your child’s sixteenth birthday if they leave education or training. However you will usually get a letter to explain how you can continue to receive child benefit if your child remains in education after Year 11.

Child Benefit can continue if your child stays in approved education or training, but you must tell the Child Benefit Office.

Salford City College

For any questions regarding enrolment, questions please contact the admissions team on 0161 631 5050 or email

For other colleges please visit their websites for the most current information.

Salford Employment Hub (previously Connexions)

The Salford Employment Hub provides Information and guidance for young people aged 16 or 17 and not in any form of education, employment or training. This service is provided by Career Connect.

For more information, go to the Salford Employment Hub page, 0161 393 4500 or email You can also check their Facebook or X (formerly Twitter) page.

National Careers Service

National Careers Service provide online and telephone support to young people under the age of 18.

Mental health

Here are some examples of support that is available. More information (for all age groups) from these and different providers, can be found on our Find My Future webpages

  • Young Minds - The UK’s leading charity empowering parents and children and young people to improving emotional wellbeing and emotional health. Tel: 0808 802 5542
  • 42nd Street – young people can register for help online or call 0161 228 7321
  • Kooth  Online counselling and emotional well-being support that is available to any young person who may be struggling with their mental health.
  • SHOUT - A confidential 24/7 text service offering advice for anyone struggling with a host of issues, including: anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying or relationship issues.
  • SilverCloud - Offers online programmes for adults (16 years+) to help ease your levels of stress, sleep better or to build resilience.
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