Sign in to access your Salford customer account, or see our other accounts.
Sign in or register for an accountAre you looking for a new job, an apprenticeship or unsure what to do next?
Although it might feel tougher than usual there are still a wide range of options for you to consider. The most important thing is that you get some advice and guidance and choose your next step based on your likes and aspirations for the future.
The following links are here as a guide to help you with these next steps. There is information related to education and training in Salford from local colleges and training providers who offer apprenticeships, information on how to find your next job, advice and guidance, financial information including travel passes and mental health support for those who are feeling worried.
Click on the different sections to take you to each area, if you cannot find what you are looking for then please contact the Skills and Work Team via the online form, email or call the Spirit of Salford Helpline on 0800 952 1000.
Thinking of visiting a college open evening? Get dates, times and further information.
The Salford City College Group consists of several colleges across Salford, these are detailed below.
City Skills (Salford City College Group)
City Skills support students in their next steps, the pastoral and careers teams work with students at the college to facilitate pathways on to apprenticeships, higher education and into employment.
Courses available:
Eccles Sixth Form College (Salford City College Group)
Eccles Sixth Form College offers an extensive range of vocational subjects, a wealth of enrichment activities, specialised careers advice, and a comprehensive programme of support and personal development so that all students can flourish both academically and as individuals.
Courses available:
The Skills for Life and Employment department at Eccles Sixth Form College provide a range of Pre-Entry, Entry and Level 1 courses for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Our courses cater for students who have highly specialised support needs including peg feeding, tracheotomy maintenance, sensory impairment, profound mental health issues and degenerative life limiting conditions. Support is in built throughout these courses with a team of specially trained teaching staff and Support Assistants.
FutureSkills at MediaCityUK (Salford City College Group)
FutureSkills at MediaCityUK is a well-established centre of excellence for young people who wish to pursue a career in creative and digital industries.
Courses available:
Pendleton Sixth Form College (Salford City College Group)
Pendleton Sixth Form College offers a wide range of A-levels and vocational courses and specialises in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), creative arts and performing arts.
Courses available in the following areas:
Worsley College (Salford City College Group)
Worsley College supports students in their next steps. The outstanding curriculum, pastoral, and careers team, work with students at the college to facilitate pathways onto apprenticeships, higher education, and into employment.
Courses available:
Apprenticeships at Salford City College
The Apprenticeship Team are currently offering:
All candidates will then progress into our recruitment talent pool where our team of advisors ensure they are supported and prepared, ready to be placed into apprenticeships as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please call 0161 631 5555.
Apprenticeship programmes are available in the following sectors:
University Centre at Salford City College
The University Centre, based in MediaCityUK, offers a wide range of university-level courses, from HNC/Ds to Degrees, plus teacher training courses, to help everyone achieve their future career goals.
Courses available in the following areas:
Adult courses (Salford City College Group)
Salford City College Group offers a wide variety of adult courses in a broad range of curriculum areas at all levels across the city. Whether you are looking to learn something new, upskill, return to education, or you are interested in a new career, they are there to help you develop and build upon your skills and knowledge.
Courses available in the following areas:
Community Learning at Salford City College
Community Learning courses are held across Salford each term for residents aged 19 or over, who have been out of education for a long time and want a stepping stone to possible future employment, volunteering or training.
Mostly aimed at beginners, they offer a relaxed introduction to a wide range of skill areas, from maths, English and IT through to health and social care, counselling, criminology, customer service, finding a job, and ‘Look Good, Feel Good’, to name but a few.
IT courses are held in libraries citywide, and aim to equip adults of all ages who missed out on the digital revolution with the basic skills needed to participate with confidence in the digital society, which is so important for everything from paying your council tax online, to keeping in touch virtually with friends and family.
Trafford College offers a wide range of options from traditional courses to new T Levels which combine classroom learning with extended industry placements. Trafford College also offers Apprenticeships.
Bolton College offers a wide range of options from traditional courses to new T Levels which combine classroom learning with extended industry placements. Bolton College also offers Apprenticeships.
Wigan and Leigh College offer a wide range of courses from Creative Arts to Engineering, Hairdressing to Motor Vehicle. Whatever you are interested in, see if they have a course for you.
Bury College offers A Levels, T Levels, Vocational Courses and Apprenticeships.
University Courses are also available at Bury.
As the largest Further Education College in the UK, The Manchester College offers courses from Entry Level through to Level 7.
Loreto is a Catholic 6th Form College, offering predominantly A Level and BTEC courses.
Xaverian is a Catholic Sixth Form College offering a very wide range of A-Levels in addition to several BTEC courses.
Access Creative College is the place for young people who want to follow their passion for a career in the creative industries.
A range of undergraduate, postgraduate and degree level apprenticeship opportunities in Salford.
A range of undergraduate, postgraduate and degree level apprenticeship opportunities in Manchester.
Manchester Metropolitan University
A range of undergraduate, postgraduate and degree level apprenticeship opportunities in Manchester.
A range of undergraduate, postgraduate and degree level apprenticeship opportunities in Bolton.
Help to Find Work for Universal Credit Claimants
Help for UC Claimants, aged 18 to 24, to find a job, work-related training or an apprenticeship though the Youth Offer has been published on GOV.UK.
Supported internships are structured study programmes specifically designed for young people aged 16-24 with Education, Health and Care plans (or statements of SEN).
Find full or part-time jobs in England, Scotland and Wales. Use the ‘Find a job’ service to search and apply for jobs. (This service has replaced Universal Jobmatch).
Search and apply for full and part time vacancies across Greater Manchester.
Get support in work if you have a disability or health condition.
Enterprising You helps 18+ who are self-employed or running their own business and keen to grow.
The services on offer are:
For more information, please call 0161 667 6900, email or go to the Enterprising You website.
Salford Employment Hub offers a tailored 'one stop' offer on behalf of Salford City Council's Employer Engagement Partnership, in order to connect local people and businesses to opportunities in Salford. Call 0161 237 4176.
Offers essential advice about which sectors are recruiting now, transferable skills and how to secure a new role.
The latest student jobs, part time jobs, temporary jobs, internships and graduate jobs.
If you want an opportunity other than University, Not Going To Uni is a national site for apprenticeships, gap years, distance learning and jobs.
Salford Futures Work Experience
Salford Futures provides support to unemployed Salford residents through the provision of work experience placements and pre-employment training and support. Email
The Skills and Work team, at Salford City Council, collaborate with partners to support the skills, employment, education and training needs of the community. Email
Employ GM have a range of service available to help you get into work.
0161 237 4121 for support searching for work.
0161 393 6473 for careers advice and guidance.
Salford Health Works is a locally run programme that supports people in Salford aged 18-65. They work in partnership to help people to make positive and lasting changes to their lifestyles that will improve their health and wellbeing.
They offer health and wellbeing support and support to move into employment.
Call 0161 603 6847 or email
The Prince's Trust helps 11 to 30 year olds who are unemployed, struggling at school and at risk of exclusion. The aim is to give individuals the skills, tools, training and confidence needed to get an apprenticeship or paid work. Call 0800 842 842.
Salford Foundation offers employment and training to young people and adults across Greater Manchester to help them access employment opportunities and improve their career prospects. Call 0161 787 8500 or email
Information advice and guidance
Wai Yin Society has been supporting, empowering and working in partnership with Chinese individuals and families for over 25 years. Currently there are three bases in Manchester: our Swan Street Headquarters which provides services for children, young people and families, and also hosts our Learning Centre, which caters for about 70% Chinese learners and 30% other BME learners; we have the Sheung Lok Centre which provides the services for older Chinese people and for older Somali women. The Welcome Centre, which is situated in the centre of Cheetham Hill provides English classes, IT classes, work club, welfare advice, free lunches and food parcels distribution to the most in need, gardening classes to grow your own food, arts and craft classes, and job search support to the local residents in Cheetham Hill and Crumpsall areas.
Essential support for under 25s on:
'Youth Voices', is an online programme offering a range of free sessions, workshops and training for young people aged 14 to 21 from across Greater Manchester and the UK.
These free online sessions take place daily from Monday to Friday at different times, however, all sessions are repeated each month from September to December. You can choose the sessions they are interested in, create your own schedule, and complete selected sessions at your own individual pace.
If taken together as part of a journey, the sessions will build understanding of social action and you will gain confidence in using the various tools and media at your disposal.
The Express Yourself workshops in Spoken Word, Smart Phone Filmmaking and Podcasting will guide young people to produce their own impactful campaign pieces to share as part of a national Hope2020 campaign in November and December 2020 alongside partners The Co-op.
Information and guidance for young people on careers, jobs, courses and local training.
Email or call 0161 393 4500 to make an appointment to see/speak to an advisor or contact them on Facebook or Twitter
Learn more about yourself, explore your options and find the career that's right for you.
Uni and Me guide and other useful student resources on GM Higher website.
National Apprenticeships Service
National website listing apprenticeships. Search and apply based on location, distance, keywords and levels.
Learn 100% online with world-class universities and industry experts. Develop your career, learn a new skill, or pursue your hobbies with flexible online courses.
Careers information and tools for 11 to 19 year olds, all in one place. Look at your pathways and choices at 14, 16 and 18.
Do the buzz quiz, put in your likes and dislikes and look over the information it suggests.
GM Higher - my student journey
Everything in one place - a wide range of resources to help you explore the benefits of Higher Education and how to get there. Online resources, events, activities and information for parents and carers.
GM Higher resources cover a range of topics areas such as budgeting, wellbeing, revision skills, and study skills.
They also signpost to resources from our partners and other education providers.
Visit Find a job - from the department of work and pensions, if you are looking for a full or part-time job, or even some temporary work. Help and support is also available for people seeking employment.
Offer pre-business start up and pre-social enterprise training and education programmes as well as one to one support to low income families, including single parents and unemployed.
The Trust provides adult learning, youth work, employment support and community development across the city.
Empowering people and bringing them together through community projects, events, training and support.
Provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.
Use the career tools to help you with your choices on careers, training and work. Whatever your situation, there's something to help.
If you're aged 16 or over and live in a ForHousing property, the Employment Support Team is here to help you with job opportunities and careers advice. We can support with CVs, cover letters, job applications, interview prep, and career advice. We also have various work experience opportunities in construction, finance, IT, customer services and much more.
This service is completely free and tailored to your needs. Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your career!
If you want more information please reach ForHousing at 0330 995 7291 or email
Financial support
Mustard Tree helps people to change their lives, secure better accommodation and economic wellbeing. Our focus is on tackling both the causes and consequences of poverty and homelessness.
Mustard Tree provides food and resources to help make a home through their Community Shops, and offer creative programmes to aid recovery and encourage aspiration. Call 0161 228 7331 or email
Useful links
Mustard Tree – Clothing and household items fund
Struggling financially and in need of clothing, furniture, household items or white goods - then Mustard Tree may be able to help.
Have an interview coming up and don’t have the appropriate clothing? Mustard Tree often receive donated items such as suits, men’s shirts, dresses and other various items which are useful for interviews.
Meet our youth panel and get the opportunity to apply for our youth fund.
Whether you’re an apprentice who’s after some new tools for the trade, or a youth club in desperate need for some new equipment, we’d urge you to apply to the Boost4Youth fund.
Salix Homes has launched our Boost4Youth fund, offering grants of up to £500 a time to help fund youth projects or initiatives that will directly help young people living in Salford. Applicants don’t have to be a Salix Homes tenant, but the project must benefit young people aged up to 17 living in Salix Homes neighbourhoods.
You can apply for a grant from Clarion Housing to get financial support to help improve your community, pay for training or to start your own business. We have a range of different grants to help you improve your skills, get your business idea off the ground or improve your local community. Take a look at the website for more information about the grants available to our customers:
Prince’s Trust Development Fund
Help for Young People - Get funding towards:
For Irlam and Cadishead young people, The Chris Stocks fund provides small value grants to support young people to develop their skills and benefit their future employability.
The fund targets people engaged in an apprenticeship, or a similar arrangement, to develop ‘hands on’ practical skills and examples of the type of trades supported so far include an apprenticeship in vehicle spray painting, vehicle panel beating, football, tattooing plus a beautician course.
Funding can be provided to support a variety of different items and costs associated with pursuing a particular trade including the following:
Do you live in the Little Hulton Big Local area and need funding towards starting up your own business, or expanding an existing one?
Does your business benefit the people living in the Little Hulton Big Local area and you need financial help? Contact us and see if we can offer you a grant.
Have an idea for a project to help disadvantaged children succeed at school and give then the best possible start to education in the Early Years?
We fund projects that build best practice in developing communication and language skills in nurseries, schools, and other childcare settings.
Looking for funding? SHINE offers targeted funding opportunities across the North East, North West and Yorkshire and Humber regions.
Lindsay Waite, Employment Advisor at Barclays Connect with Work can be contacted on 07782 208962.
Turn2Us is a national charity helping people when times get tough. We provide financial support to help people get back on track.
Turn2Us helps people in financial need gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help – online, by phone and face to face through our partner organisations.
If you find yourself without the finances to feed yourself or family or heat your home, help is available from Salford Assist.
The Salford City Council scheme offers short-term support to people who can’t meet their own or family’s basic needs because of a crisis, emergency or disaster.
Support is discretionary but could include help with baby items, essential furniture, gas and electricity or necessary documents for people who are homeless. Salford Assist can also signpost to debt, benefits and affordable energy advice.
Call 0800 952 1000 or email
You may be able to borrow money to help pay for university or college tuition fees and to help with living costs.
You might get extra money on top of this, for example if you’re on a low income, are disabled or have children.
COVID-19: guidance for employees
The government guidance for employees page contains advice on:
Council Tax Reduction and/or Housing Benefit
If you are already in receipt of Council Tax Reduction and/or Housing Benefit, payments will continue as normal. However, if anyone has a change in circumstances please complete our change in circumstances online form to update us.
Struggling to pay your council tax
If you have lost your job or aren’t getting paid and struggling to pay your council tax, please see our back on track pages where there is a wide range of support available.
For example, you may be entitled to help with your council tax through the council tax reduction scheme or we may be able to change or extend your payment plan.
Salford Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Service
We can help you work out what benefits and tax credits you are entitled to and argue your case at an appeal if you disagree with a decision. If you have debt problems we can help you draw up financial statements, negotiate with your creditors and represent you in court. Get more detail about the different ways you can contact us for welfare rights or debt advice.
It's important to make sure that you get all the help that you're entitled to. These pages give you information on:
Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs.
Coronavirus and claiming benefits page provides information about coronavirus and claiming benefits. It will continue to be updated. Please check this page regularly for updates on the arrangements the Department for Work and Pensions is making to support those who are affected by coronavirus. On this page you can find information on:
National Debtline is a charity.
They give free and independent advice over the phone on 0808 808 4000 or online.
You can get free, confidential and expert debt advice online or over the phone.
We'll recommend the best debt solutions for your individual circumstances.
We'll support you while you deal with your debt problems, for as long as you need our help.
We also campaign on your behalf to reduce the risk of problem debt and the harm it causes.
Call 0800 138 1111.
BetterOff Salford website provides online information for people who live in Salford.
It shows you the benefits you are entitled to and will help you to apply for them online.
BetterOff also provides information on how to find and apply for jobs.
If you prefer to talk to someone to see if you can become better off, you can book an appointment to speak to a senior advisor from your local Gateway centre. They provide support on council tax, business rates and benefits or can put you in touch with a wide range of services that can help you such as housing and health and wellbeing.
Emotional health
Crisis Lines in Greater Manchester
If you feel you need mental health support, please contact one of these 24/7 crisis lines - they're available to anyone of any age.
If there's an immediate risk of danger to life, you should ring 999.
Quell (age 25+ but younger adults can access if they wish)
Quell offers a variety of safe and anonymous online support and counselling options which can be accessed for free, with no waiting lists and you don’t need a referral. There’s online messaging, booked or drop-in chats, community support and emotional wellbeing resources along with personal development tools. All the staff are based in the UK, and have a variety of professional experience, so you can be sure to find someone to talk to about your specific needs.
Whether you’re feeling suicidal, worried someone else is, or have lost someone to suicide, you’re not alone. Whatever you’re going through, we’ll help you get the advice and support you need.
Are you, or is a young person you know, not coping with life?
For confidential suicide prevention advice contact HOPELINEUK.
They’re open 9am to 12am (midnight) every day of the year.
Call: 0800 068 4141 or email: pat@papyrus-uk
HOPELINK allows young people to work confidentially with HOPELINEUK’s trained suicide prevention advisers, empowering them to create, helping to keep them safe when they have thoughts of suicide and help users create, adapt and amend their own care plans.
The programme supports young people with additional needs aged 16-25 years with confidence building and motivation for the future. This programme is specifically designed to reach young people who are experiencing anxiety, isolation and who have limited or no plans for the future post COVID-19. Young people can access peer support, online one to one sessions and get involved in coproducing training for professionals. The project is being delivered in partnership with national disability charity, Contact, who provide support, information and workshops for parents and carers on transition to adulthood.
Able Futures - mental health during lockdown
Able Futures deliver the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service on behalf of the department for work and pensions. They have recognised that the idea of facing winter, loneliness, parenting responsibilities, changes, loss or bereavement could be affecting any of us at the start of 2021. Everyone is feeling different about the latest lockdown, so here are just a few things that may be on your mind which advice and guidance at no cost from Able Futures could help you with. Read more about Able Futures.
Partners in Salford - Emotional Health Service Directory
Directory of all Emotional Health and Wellbeing services for Children and Young People.
Partners in Salford - national helplines
Helplines and support for children and young people.
Partners in Salford - information, advice and support
Children and young people may need additional support at some point in their lives and this is normal. Information and advice, or support from family and friends, usually helps. However, some children and young people may experience difficulties that are severe and chronic. They will need more specialist advice and support.
National mental health charity with over 125 local providers. MIND says 'We won't give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect. We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We'll listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner.'
Whether you have anxiety, stress, anxiety-based depression or a phobia that’s affecting your daily life, Anxiety UK is here to help you and they're fully supported by an expert team of medical advisors.
SANE offers emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental health problems through a helpline, Textcare and an online Support Forum where people share their feelings and experiences.
These services are provided by a team of volunteers who undergo rigorous training and in many cases give hundreds of hours of their free time each year.
SANE's Caller Care service is led by professional staff and provides ongoing support to help people alleviate a crisis phase or get through difficult circumstances.
Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. There is someone to talk to 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - Call free on 116 123.
Dad Matters is a Home-Start Project, based in Greater Manchester that aims to help dads have successful relationships with their families, and to support dads with anxiety, stress and mental health issues.
Dad Matters hope to get dads engaged with services that have traditionally been targeted at mums, and to train and support volunteer dads to work with the team.
Online programmes to help ease your levels of stress, sleep better or to build resilience. You can choose to use any of the programmes. They are self-help, confidential and secure.
How it works…
As you progress through the modules, you will find new exercises which can help you apply what you are learning to your own life and soon you will notice you are feeling better.
Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership
Additional resources from our partners in Greater Manchester.
MindEd is a free educational resource suitable for all adults working with, or caring for, infants, children or teenagers.
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
Provides support with:
The creative activities at START have been successful in helping people overcome emotional difficulties and reach new heights. The opportunity to be creative acts as a social outlet for members as well as being a great way to learn new skills. It empowers them to express themselves more clearly and come to a better understanding of their place in the world and what they can achieve.
This service offers online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), such as Beating the Blues and is very effective in helping people to overcome anxiety and/or depression.
It teaches you a wide range of CBT techniques via a computer and is clinically proven to help overcome issues related to low mood, anxiety, stress and insomnia.
Garden Needs is a mental wellbeing garden centre, a partnership project between Mind in Salford and Social Adventures.
Garden Needs is a place to come and make friends, commune with nature and learn some new skills. There are drop-ins and volunteering opportunities for people with experience of mental or emotional distress. You can even do a qualification in horticulture and help with landscaping and grounds maintenance work.
Rethink is a leading national mental health membership charity and works to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life. The website has information on a range of mental health needs from personality disorders through to schizophrenia.
Safe in Salford is part of the local charity Salford Women’s Aid, which offers a range of services to help and support women, men and children who are affected by domestic abuse.
Mental health services specifically for young people
42nd Street is a charity based in Greater Manchester. We offer a range of individual therapeutic support, learning opportunities, groups and creative activities for young people, encouraging you to find your voice, develop new skills, have fun and demonstrate that you can manage your mental health and wellbeing to achieve your full potential.
Shout is a 24/7 crisis text messaging service you can send a text message any time of day or night wherever you are – every conversation is with a real person.
Just text SHOUT to 85258
If you need advice or are just simply not feeling your best, then visit Kooth. It’s a free safe and anonymous place for young people to find support and counselling.
Young Minds is a place to get help and support children and young people's mental health.
Call 0800 1111 or visit their website online.
When you call us on 0800 1111 you’ll get through to a counsellor, they’re there to listen and support you with anything you’d like to talk about. Or you can have a one to one counsellor chat online.
You can also send us an email from your locker. We’ll try to answer this within a day, but sometimes it can take a little longer.
Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity that provides counselling and mental health support and training in UK schools.
Anna Freud provide a range of specialist types for support for children, young people and families, seeing them at the Centre, in schools and other settings.
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Service Delivery Centre provides:
District Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in North Manchester, Central Manchester, South Manchester and Salford.
A range of targeted services within Manchester and Salford, often provided in partnership with other agencies (16-17 team, Child and Parent Service (CAPS), children with disabilities, emotional health in schools and Looked After Children Team).
Mental health services specifically for young people with SEND
National Autisic Society are the UK's largest provider of specialist autism services. Their trained staff and volunteers bring passion and expertise to the lives of 100,000 autistic people every year. Visit the website and you'll find services directed towards autistic people, parents and carers and professionals.
National Autistic Society (Transition)
Moving between different stages of life, such as school, college and work, is especially hard if you find change difficult, as many autistic people do.
The National Autistic Society can provide advice about strategies and support that can help during key life transitions – including starting or changing school, leaving school, and starting or leaving college or university.
Contact - the organisation for families with disabled children
The Disabled Children’s Partnership is a major coalition of more than 70 organisations campaigning for improved health and social care for disabled children, young people and their families.
For families with disabled children
For every shape and size of family, whatever they need and whatever their child’s disability, Contact are here.
Mencap is the leading voice of learning disability. Everything they do is about valuing and supporting people with a learning disability, and their families and carers.
Training and apprenticeships
Apprenticeships at Salford City College
The Apprenticeship Team are currently offering:
All candidates will then progress into our recruitment talent pool where our team of advisors ensure they are supported and prepared, ready to be placed into apprenticeships as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please call 0161 631 5555.
Apprenticeship programmes are available in the following sectors:
Find out how to become an apprentice, what apprenticeships are available, which employers offer them and information about starting your apprenticeship.
Search and apply for an apprenticeship in England.
Everything you need to know about apprenticeships from learning about the benefits of being an apprentice to exploring the current vacancies.
Growth Co offer a huge range of apprenticeships, traineeships and courses for people of all ages. As well as practically based training, they also offer a wide range of classroom-based courses designed to cater for all levels and all ages.
Apprenticeships are designed with progression in mind so you can move on to advanced apprenticeships and higher apprenticeships and, in some occupations, on to higher education.
Mustard Tree
Mustard Tree helps people to change their lives, secure better accommodation and economic wellbeing. Our focus is on tackling both the causes and consequences of poverty and homelessness. Since 1994 we have created opportunities for people to help themselves through providing practical support, friendship, connections into work and improvements to health and wellbeing.
Mustard Tree provides food and resources to help make a home through their Community Shops, and offer creative programmes to aid recovery and encourage aspiration. Call 0161 228 7331 or email
Useful links
Whether you’re looking for a new job, to change your career or making the most of opportunities during furlough, you can get help to update your skills for free.
There are many free courses online – from mastering PowerPoint to learning Coding. And there’s help brushing up numeracy if that helps too.
Total Training Provision offers a variety of different courses, so whether you are looking for employment, wanting to develop your skills further or need further education to get that dream job, we are here to provide you with the tools you need to succeed.
The eligibility for the short courses:
Improve your wellbeing with a blended learning course.
Back on Track is an in-person and online building confidence and wellbeing course, in a secure and encouraging environment. You’ll receive tailored and bespoke training, you will learn techniques to cope with change and overcome current barriers, including money management modules. Develop skills around using Skype and other online platforms and provide you with a new renewed confidence, to get you back on track. You will achieve a national recognised on accredited qualification
Other courses available:
Starter courses
Six week courses that cover a whole range of subjects: art, photography, drama, music, basic cooking and loads more. These courses are first step into learning and are often a stepping stone onto further training. They are designed to be interactive, useful and fun!
Training programmes
Our training programmes give people an opportunity to learn about jobs in fields such as catering and hospitality and health and social care. They run for two days a week for six weeks, normally on Thursday and Friday. They include visits by local employers and work placements.
Enterprise courses
Our enterprise courses are for people interested in making, buying and selling. Groups work together to research, plan, develop, price, package and sell a product on a Back on Track market stall. The course always finishes by running a real market stall, selling to the public.
Digital skills
Knowing how to use technology is so important these days. We all need to know the difference between an app, a tweet and a tablet! We show people basic computer and internet skills, and how to make the most of devices like phones and tablets. People can also learn skills for work like word processing and the basics of Excel and Access.
Basic skills
We run English and Maths courses that help people overcome the barriers that poor basic skills present in everyday life and work. Basic skills courses are for people who want to be more confident with reading, writing and maths. In English we help people improve their reading, writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar. In maths we show people how to apply maths in everyday tasks like shopping, measuring and managing money.
Talk English - Salford City Council
Free English classes for beginners based in Salford. Contact Suzannah Redmond, email or call 07754239939.
Refresh your skills and Restart your career with tailored Functional Skills, Maths and English qualifications from Entry Level up to Level 2.
The courses are taught remotely by specialist tutors with some attendance required at our Manchester centre for revision and exams.
For more information please contact Claire Donohue at Standguide on 0161 8814826 (Option 5)
Barclays Connect with Work
A fully-funded employment programme that supports individuals who have faced barriers to work, into a job or apprenticeship.
Call 0203 700 0381 or email
The Broughton Trust has a range of online and classroom based courses in:
For more information on learning and training opportunities, email or call 0161 831 9807
All candidates applying must be eligible to work in the UK with at least one formal proof of identification and must have their own bank account.
To apply email or or call Graham on 07850005640.
Aimed at everyone - a COVID-19 Support Hub which provides resources on education, well-being, money problems, work-related skills and so on.
This course with BuzzStart Academy is for 16 to 25 year olds, providing them with professional online training provision covering wide range of digital and soft skills. It will be delivered in a high-energy, experiential learning style and allow learners to feel more connected and confident whilst operating. Participants will gain an accredited certification in digital skills, while covering topics including:
Contact Phil: or text ‘Tech’ to 07425 632065.
What is an apprenticeship and how do they work? What does being an apprentice mean? Discover different apprenticeship types, get application hints and tips, and apply for vacancies.
Microsoft Digital Edge programme
This programme is aimed at young people aged 18 to 25 who are interested in a digital apprenticeship.
The digital edge programme wants to give you free pre-apprenticeship training to launch your digital and technology career Supported by Microsoft, we offer a four-week pre-apprenticeship programme.
The free sessions take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, covering:
Corinth Training is a community enterprise, a not for profit community training company based in Salford. We offer a range of free training courses and a job club to Salford residents aged 19 and over, irrespective of working or in receipt of benefits. We place our learners at the heart of what we do.
Back2Work Complete Training provide Pre-Employment Training throughout the UK. Pre-Employment Training works great as both a recruitment service for employers and an employment service for those who are unemployed. Back2Work Complete Training work closely with large employers and Job Centres across the UK to give job seekers an effective and free service to support them into employment.
The Education and Skills Partnership
The Education and Skills Partnership are a training organisation that specialise in Apprenticeships, Commercial training such as Leadership and Management and also Employability which supports those that are unemployed and looking to get back into work.
Evolve Academy is dedicated to providing first-class independent training in hairdressing and barbering across Greater Manchester.
The Training Brookers offer a range of courses to help you gain your confidence and progress towards a better future. Our courses include:
Careers information and employability skills
This is the place to jump start your career in the Northern Care Alliance.
Whether you need to find out more about work experience, pre-employment programmes, our Cadet T-Level scheme, opportunities to volunteer, our apprenticeship programme or becoming a career ambassador, the site provides visitors with a wealth of information and also links to other NHS wide sources that will help them to learn more about how to go about starting work in the health service.
Fastlaners is a free employment support programme for 18-24 year olds in the Greater Manchester area. Our ‘Fastlaners’ programme provides the opportunity for young people to meet directly with employers (virtually), gain a personal mentor for 12 months and have tailored CVs and application support plus build connections with like minded young people on the journey to employability.
Skills Toolkit: 'An Hour To Skill'
'An Hour To Skill' is a new campaign from the Department of Education (DfE) which aims to boost the nation's skills and job prospects. Learning can have a really positive benefit to our mental wellbeing and this campaign aims to promote learning as a way of keeping the mind healthy and active which is very important at this time.
The Skills Toolkit is an online platform giving access to more than 70 free, high-quality digital, numeracy and employability courses. By setting aside one hour a week for online learning, people can learn skills that employers are looking for, boost their job prospects and keep their mind active.
YourGamePlan’s mission is to ensure that every student has the confidence and support they need to make the best decision about their future when they leave school.
They believe soft and employability skills are paramount and guidance on improving these skills should be available to everyone, for free. They don’t charge schools or students for their services.
Students can get help with many things like building a cv, career planning, assertiveness, learn how to deal with difficult people and situations, learn how to deal with conflict in the workplace and much more.
Schools can utilise their:
Employers, Careers readiness starts early, and helping students build the skills and confidence to secure a meaningful career will create a lasting impression.
Top tips if you have a remote interview
We are all living through extraordinary times that have brought major changes to our way of life. We are also having to adapt to new ways of working and recruiting. As a local authority we have a duty to ensure that we maintain essential services for the community we serve. Therefore, we are continuing our recruitment efforts into key areas, aided by technology.
Find out about careers that might be right for you by taking one of our assessments.
Digital CVs
Bored of a traditional Word document CV? Then why not try a CV using slides on PowerPoint? You can cover each section that a traditional CV has such as profile, education, work history, hobbies and so on, but also include images. For an example of a digital CV, email
Example CV (Microsoft Word format, 33kb)
Need help creating a CV? An example of what you need to include can be downloaded. You should try to use a simple format, with text that is easy to read. Young people should try and keep it on one page where possible, and no more than two sides. Remember to think of all your strong qualities.
Send in your CV to get feedback from industry experts
You will need:
What do you need to do?
A brand new @ApprenticeTalks (Twitter handle) podcast is now available. Register your interest for season two of the Apprenticeship Podcast. Made by young apprentices to educate, inform and give insight into what it’s really like to be an apprentice. If you haven’t caught up with season one you can listen to it on Spotify and other major streaming sites.
Build Salford is a traineeship programme that supports young people get into apprenticeships within the construction sector. Here is a case study from Richie, a former trainee that talks about how Build Salford helped him gain employment with The Casey Group and his ambitions for the future.
One of our employer partners, John from The Casey Group, talks about how Build Salford has helped him as a business to grow apprentices. Build Salford Case Study: John Walmsley. You can also apply online.
Catch22 delivers high quality tailored employability programmes and can support young people to fund interview clothes, equipment, fees for training courses and other costs associated with funding and securing work.
Lots of resources and information if you want to become an apprentice. Also:
Lots of useful resources including some brilliant online interviews coming up for parents and young people to take part in at home, where you can meet an engineer, learn about their role and ask questions, live.
Our Explore programme offers you a mix of group activities and one-to-one support to develop the skills and confidence you need to move forward.
Starting with a five-day Access course, you’ll get the chance to do outdoor adventurous activities, as well as take part in a residential trip.
Once the Access course is complete, you can choose from lots of different activities from sports to drama and photography to cooking.
We’ll work with you to help reach your goals.
Explore is completely free. We’ll even throw in lunch and drinks throughout the day, and also cover your travel expenses.
The National Literacy Trust: Female Book Club
National Literacy Trust has launched a free audio book club: Behind the Cover, for female students who are 16 and over.
Behind the Cover will be celebrating books written by bestselling writers who put women at the heart of their stories.
Every month throughout the summer term and summer holidays, students will receive a free audiobook, access to exclusive author content and engaging book club activities.
Students will then be able to join discussions about the book on Instagram @ZoneIn_Skills, using the hashtag #BehindtheCoverClub and submit a book review and a selection will be published every month.
Find a job that's right for you with advice on where to search, how to apply, CVs and interviews. You'll also get tips on how to find unadvertised vacancies by using your contacts.
This page was last updated on 14 October 2024
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