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Problems with overgrown vegetation

Please let us know if you have difficulty walking along pavements or driving along highways as a result of hedges growing out into your path or line of sight.  All we need is the address or location of the problem.

Do you know where there is a problem with overhanging bushes?

Please let us know the address and we will ask the property or landowner to cut it back. In most cases owners will comply with a polite request within a reasonable time. However, in rare cases the council may have to take legal action - and that means it may take a while for the vegetation to be attended to.

Do you own a hedge which is growing out on to the highway but are not sure how much it needs cutting back? 

Report a problem with hedges that are overgrown

Problems with trees

Report a problem with a tree

This page was last updated on 15 June 2021

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