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Young drivers
Passing your driving test is a pathway to freedom and independence, and along with this comes a great responsibility and duty of care to not only the driver but all road users.
Young drivers are statistically in a higher risk category of being involved in a road traffic collision, however, this risk can be reduced by increasing a young drivers knowledge and understanding of the common factors which result in many of these road traffic collisions.
Below are some top tips for things you, or a young driver you know can do to reduce the risk of collisions on the road and become a better and safer driver:
Driving a car requires a high level of concentration and any distraction inside or outside of a vehicle can have serious and sometimes fatal consequences. By reducing the likelihood of distractions you will drastically reduce the likelihood of a collision.
Riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating as well as a more affordable mode of transport for some, however, motorcyclists account for a disproportionate level of casualties when it comes to road traffic collisions. Below are a few top tips aimed at reducing the risk level of being a motorcycle rider:
Business drivers
According to the royal society for the prevention of accidents driving can be one of the most dangerous work activity and contributes to more work related accidental deaths and serious injury than any other work activity.
People who drive for business often have a wealth of experience and knowledge, however this will not prevent collisions and injury occurring on the roads. Following some of our top tips below for safer longer driving for business:
Mature drivers
Driving a car at any age is pivotal for independence and freedom, particularly for mature drivers. As a mature driver your experience of driving is likely high and risk level likely low, however many factors can affect an older driver such as health condition, confidence and the ever changing environment of the road network. Here a few tips to help mature drivers drive safer for longer:
Cycling is a great way to keep active and is a sustainable mode of transport, cyclists however do find themselves amongst the vulnerable road user category. Follow some of our top tips below to keep yourself safe on the roads:
Walking is great way to commute and keep active, take a look through our top tips below to keep yourself safe on the roads:
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