Outdoor gyms

Pay a visit to the gym - outdoors!

Salford has 16 outdoor gyms in parks across the city. Suitable for adults and children aged 12 years and above, they are a great way to improve your health and fitness - for free!

Jointly funded by the council and NHS Salford, each outdoor gym has a mixture of easy to use fitness equipment including rowing machines, steppers and cross trainers.

Where are they located?

Outdoor gyms can be found in the following parks:

All outdoor gyms are inspected regularly to ensure they are safe for use. However, if you are unsure about undertaking physical exercise, please consult a doctor beforehand.

Report a problem

Report a problem with the gym equipment

Report that lighting in the park isn't working

Report broken glass in the outdoor gym area

Report vandalism in the park

This page was last updated on 19 August 2019

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