Little Hulton, Walkden North and Walkden South neighbourhood area

Here you will find information about the Little Hulton, Walkden North and Walkden South neighbourhood area, as well as current news, useful contacts, and opportunities for getting involved.

Little Hulton, Walkden North and Walkden South Neighbourhood Team have a Facebook page. Visit our page for up to date information about what is going on in our area. You can also let us know about your groups and any events you have planned.

About the neighbourhood

The Little Hulton, Walkden North and Walkden South neighbourhood is in the north west of the city. Around 34,000 people live in the area which includes Little Hulton, Walkden North and Walkden South wards.

The area benefits from a range of parks, including the green flag award Blackleach Country Park and a district park at Parr Fold Park which has recently undergone improvements to facilities. Work is progressing to upgrade the walkway and cycleway routes along a former railway line.

The area has a range of active resident and community groups who are working with the council and its partners to provide activities and improve the quality of life for local people.

Little Hulton, Walkden North and Walkden South Neighbourhood Team

Position Name
Neighbourhood manager Vincent Nash
Neighbourhood development officer Fay Flatt
Admin officer Kath Viller

Who to contact

Remember you can contact us quicker, easier, better online.

Contact us online

Little Hulton and Walkden Neighbourhood Team
Little Hulton One Stop Shop
42 Hulton District Centre
M28 0AZ
Map to this location
0161 779 8071

This page was last updated on 26 May 2021

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