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Local information requirements: Biodiversity net gain assessment

Types of application that require this information:

  • All major developments;
  • Any development of a site which supports a habitat of principle importance.

New minor developments (not affecting a Habitat of Principal Importance) should still demonstrate a biodiversity gain, proportionate to the development, but do not need to run the assessment. This should encompass meeting existing requirements as set out in the GMSF, biodiversity policies within Local Plans and Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure Strategies.

National datasets on priority habitats can be found online.

Details of what should be included:

Where a Net Gain Assessment is required the information must be calculated using the biodiversity metric published by Natural England. Please contact the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit for further information. Where appropriate the biodiversity net gain assessment can be incorporated into the Biodiversity survey and report.

The biodiversity metric can be found online.

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