Local information requirements: Loss of employment land assessment

Types of application that require this information

  • Loss of a site/building currently in employment use (or where vacant, last used for non-retail employment uses) and the site/building falls within one of the following criteria:
    • An area with five or more adjacent business units
    • Any site of 0.5ha or greater
    • Any buildings with a floor area of 5,000m2 or greater

Details of what should be included

Evidence to demonstrate that the development would not compromise the operating conditions of other remaining employment uses (UDP Policy E5 criterion 1).

This should include:

  • Details of the proposed non-employment development and any adjoining employment uses
  • An analysis of any potential conflicts between those remaining uses/activities and the proposed non-employment uses, including an assessment of issues such as noise; odour, dust or other emissions; hours of operation; vibration; light; vehicular access, parking and servicing; and safety and security.

In circumstance where the loss of employment land/premises is being considered because of a lack of current or likely future demand (UDP Policy E5 Criterion 2a),  evidence should be provided, prepared by a suitably qualified person (such as a Chartered Surveyor) with knowledge of the employment market in the local area, which includes:

  • A qualitative appraisal of the site in question considering both its physical attributes/limitation, and the local, regional and national policy context
  • A market demand appraisal providing a detailed assessment of the current and potential future market demand for the site/premises reflecting on economic trends, forecasts and actual marketing attempt The appraisal should:
    • Include details of any remaining occupiers, with evidence of their intentions to vacate the premises, their reasons for doing so, and why they would be unlikely to be replaced
    • Outline the marketing strategy adopted, which should be flexible, specific to the site in premises in question and normally for a minimum of 12 months
    • Demonstrate that all offers received were given due consideration and provide details of any offers which have not been taken forward
  • Include evidence that the site/premises has been:
    • Continuously advertised by way of an agents board on each road frontage; on the agents website and within the agents commercial stock availability lists
    • Registered and continuously advertised through the Midas Partnership’s Commercial Property database
    • Circulated to other local property agents
  • A viability appraisal, which should provide a clear illustration of the potential to redevelop/ reuse the site/premises in question for a range of employment uses having regard to the site and its context. The appraisal should consider any likely changes in such market conditions within a 3-5 year time horizon which could impact upon development viability

In circumstances where the loss of employment land/premises is being considered because there is a strong environmental case for rationalising land uses or creating open space (UDP Policy E5 criterion 2b), details should be provided that:

  • In respect of a case for the rationalisation of land uses, it should be demonstrated that the current use of the site has a significant negative impact on the surrounding area by virtue of unacceptable and abnormal levels of one or more of the following factors: traffic generation and/or highway safety; odour, dust or other emissions; noise; vibration; or pollutant The statement should explain why these factors could only be addressed through the introduction of non employment uses rather than any other means of mitigation or the introduction of alternative employment or similar uses
  • In respect of a case for creating open space, it should be demonstrated that the site provides a particular opportunity for the creation of open space that could not be achieved elsewhere in the local area, and that the need for additional open space overrides the need to retain the employment site/premises in question.

In circumstances where the loss of employment land/premises is being considered because the development will contribute to the implementation of an approved regeneration strategy or plan for the area (UDP Policy E5 criterion 2c), details should be provided that:

  • Identify that regeneration strategy concerned and confirm that it has been formally approved by the city council; specify the policies and proposals within it that advocate the introduction of non-employment uses; and describe how the proposed form of development would contribute towards the strategy’s implementation

In circumstances where the loss of employment land/premises is being considered because the site is allocated for another use in the UDP (UDP Policy E5 criterion 2d), the application should specify the relevant allocation policy that supports and promotes the proposed development.

In circumstances where the loss of employment land/premises is being considered because the site in question falls within the area covered by UDP Policy MX1 (Established Employment Areas SPD Policy EMP7), it should be demonstrated that the scheme is in accordance with UDP Policies MX1 and DEV6, and any other relevant planning guidance/strategy documents for the area.

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